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Wednesday 27 August 2008

Wednesday 27th August 2008

Shuttleworth was brilliant! P J Smythe preached and the praise and worship was amazing. It was so good to be in God's presence. P J preached about how God has placed us where we are and that we should act as if we are living there permanently and put down roots even though we may not stay for long. His preach on leadership was very challenging for both Graham and myself. I felt proud to be part of the New Frontiers movement with its emphasis on church planting and the ministry that was witnessed in Acts. The whole weekend was so faith building. The children had a fantastic time. Harry was baptised in the spirit and spoke in tongues for the first time! I feel so privileged to have had two Christian holidays ( the children three)this summer.

It was also good to spend time camping with our friends. The shower facilities, however weren't good so we came home first thing every day to shower ( and to see Lulu). We were only twenty minutes away so we were back in time for the meetings.

Anyway, back to reality and living out our faith in the real world. It is easy to feel cocooned in Christ with a couple of thousand believers but the challenges lie when back in the daily routine of life.

Talking of which, I went back to work yesterday. It was good to see my colleagues and clients but when I handed my notice in it really hit me that I was indeed doing the right thing. I felt such peace about it, whereas I had been feeling apprehensive as I have worked for this PCT for seven years. My last working day will be 24th September. Today I felt released from much of my child protection work as some has been taken on by my colleagues and other cases have been closed, either due to the families moving away or children starting school. It does mean I am more available to do the routine work that comes in until I leave.

Rosie starts back at school tomorrow. She has spent the last two days on a hockey course at school which she has loved. Harry has spent time with his friend and Charlie at home. Charlie will meet up with his friends tomorrow. The boys go back to school next Wednesday.

I have started to get ready for my course by starting to free up some time by laying down some time commitments. I left a book club today, one I have been in for years. I thought I would feel guilty but didn't. I really am learning!

Friday 22 August 2008

Off to Shuttleworth...

It looks like another rainy Bank Holiday weekend lies ahead, but hoping for a change in the weather. It is dull and rainy as I write this but it is still early.

We're off to Shuttleworth, a New Frontiers East Anglian regional event taking place during the whole weekend. We will be joining a couple thousand others camping, praising God and attending seminars throughout the weekend. It should be a great end to the holidays. We return on Monday and then I'm back to work the following day. The children ( except Charlie, as none of his mates are going ) are looking forward to it.

I have enlisted several people to cat sit including next door neighbours, and two sets of friends plus children as Lulu is too young to go to a cattery.

I don't feel very organised though and have so much to do before we leave at lunchtime. We have no camping gas and I'm not sure where to get some from. I went to two places yesterday but they didn't have any.

My bible notes yesterday were all about God's sovereignty and how we should trust Him in everything, as it will take away our anxiety, frees us from explanation and keeps us from pride. So I will trust Him about the forthcoming weekend, regardless of the weather!

However God's sovereignty does not mean we are absolved from responsibilities, need not make decisions, have no desire for personal excellence or not be globally concerned. Paul's letter to the Romans ( 12:9-17) is really challenging me this morning as I realise I fall short. However, with God's grace and recognising His sovereignty in all situations I can be zealous, keep my spiritual fervour, serve the Lord, be joyful in hope, be patient in affliction, faithful in prayer, share with people in need, practice hospitality, bless those who persecute me, not curse, not be proud or conceited, not want to get my own back and be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Photos of Lulu and Dad's memorial tree

Just experimenting with photos- some taken this morning and the others last week in Bolton.

It is raining again- Charlie is still in bed, Harry is waiting for a friend and Rosie is at a church holiday club. Charlie's friend came to stay last night and at 1.30am I had to ask them to be quiet. I pray that God will give us both guidance when dealing with the teenage challenges we are facing at the moment.

Monday 18 August 2008

Monday 18th August 2008

The end of the summer holidays are approaching. There has been a distinct drop in the temperature. I'm back at work a week tomorrow when I need to hand in my notice. A new season in my life is on the horizon.

We've had a good few days. The kittens have entertained us. Tipsy went home yesterday so Lulu is back climbing up our legs again and fighting and biting us since she has lost her playmate.

The children have had various friends over and I have just pottered around at home. I have finished knitting my cotton jumper and just need to wear it now. I have read a couple of books ( The Dig- John Preston and Dinner with a Perfect Stranger- David Gregory) and have just started another Francine Rivers epic ( Lineage of Grace). I feel I have so many books I want to read before I start my course as I won't have so much time to be self indulgent from October onwards.

We have had a relaxing weekend. Friday night we went to the village pub. We haven't been much at all this summer due to either being busy or it hasn't been nice enough weather to sit outside. It was good to meet up with several people including one couple who are going to Interlaken for their holidays in a couple of weeks. On Saturday Graham took Charlie to see Leeds play in the first match of the season. Unfortunately they lost. Yesterday was spent in the park after church. We took a picnic and met up with friends and stayed there until almost 6pm as the weather was so nice. We also met up with an ex neighbour and her partner and daughter who came back to play with Rosie. Church was amazing yesterday. The sermon was excellent, preached from Hebrews 11/12 about running the race of life. This is the third one in a series to coincide with the Olympics.

Today Rosie is going to a holiday playscheme with a friend at a church in the next village, Harry has a friend here and Charlie is meeting a friend in town who is coming back to spend the night.

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Wednesday 13th August 2008

It's not exactly summer weather at the moment with wind and rain galore.

We've had a hectic couple of days with driving to Bolton to take my Mum back on Monday. We went to Rivington and then had a look at my Dad's tree in the memorial forest. Mum stayed for five days in the end and I think she was glad to return! I do worry about her on her own but she seems happy enough despite not seeing anybody from one day to the next. If only she wanted to go to church or had an interest other than doing crosswords.

Yesterday we took the cat to the vet for a check up. Apparently she is a long haired tortoiseshell cat.

Today Lulu's sister Tipsy arrived to stay for a few days as her owners have gone on holiday for a few days. They have done nothing but fight when awake. I'm sure they are only playing but it is hard work watching them all the time. They do look cute when asleep together though.

Today will be spent cleaning and tidying up. Harry's friend is here at the moment and Rosie's friend has just left. Charlie is chillaxing as usual.

Reading my bible today I felt God say that He is enough for me and that He is my portion:

Psalm 119 57-65

You are my portion, O LORD;
I have promised to obey your words.
58 I have sought your face with all my heart;
be gracious to me according to your promise.

59 I have considered my ways
and have turned my steps to your statutes.

60 I will hasten and not delay
to obey your commands.

61 Though the wicked bind me with ropes,
I will not forget your law.

62 At midnight I rise to give you thanks
for your righteous laws.

63 I am a friend to all who fear you,
to all who follow your precepts.

64 The earth is filled with your love, O LORD;
teach me your decrees.

Later on this afternoon I was listening to the new Hillsong CD and again this is what I heard and what resonated with me today:

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire and heal all my disease
I trust in you
I trust in you

I believe you are my healer
I believe you are all I need
I believe you're my portion
I believe you're more than enough for me
Jesus you're all I need

Nothing is impossible for you
Nothing is impossible
Nothing is impossible for you
You hold my world in your hands

Mike Guglielmucci 2007

I felt I haven't been really productive today with the housework as a friend called round to collect her son and she stayed for some time to fill me in with what is happening at work. It was lovely to see her though. Another friend and son popped round later and it is always great to spend time with her so the housework will still be there tomorrow. The two kittens have been in the plants in the conservatory so I've had to move them due to the mess they were making.

It has finally stopped raining and I can see some blue sky. Perhaps it will be sunny tomorrow.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Sunday 10th August 2008

It looks like it's going to be a lovely sunny day today. There isn't a cloud in the sky. I love the solitude of the early mornings before everybody is up.

Yesterday it rained on and off for most of the day. Graham , Harry and I went for a walk in the park and had cake and tea in the cafe before Graham's parents arrived.

We had a lovely afternoon and evening with Graham's parents. They stayed for tea and we ordered Domino's pizzas. We watched a programme about last year's X Factor contestants which was entertaining.

Saturday 9 August 2008

Back together again!

We've had a good couple of days. I think my Mum is enjoying herself. On Thursday Rosie and I took her to Milton Keynes to the shopping centre. We did a lap round and bought Rosie a top from New Look. Back home we sat in the garden for a long time enjoying the sun.

Graham went to the gym after work before coming home. Mum and I watched my favourite film 'A Room with a View' in the evening.

Yesterday lunchtime Rosie and I took Mum to the Jaffa Orchard for lunch which she enjoyed. We then went to church to wait for the boys return but were informed that they wouldn't be back for another hour. We then went to Sainsbury's before returning. In Sainsbury's I bumped into the mother of Harry's friend who had also been away. She showed me a text message her son had sent her which said Harry had given his life to God! I was so pleased and excited.

Back at the church the coaches arrived on time. It was so good to see the boys who have had an amazing time. Charlie said it was the best time in his whole life! He had also bumped into Sylvia a minor celeb from Big Brother whilst handing out leaflets in Derby and had his photo taken with her. Harry still hasn't mentioned his decision but I won't push him into saying anything. I can't wait for church tomorrow to see all the young people on fire for God! It will also be a good thing for my Mum to witness. Charlie can talk of nothing else and it is great to see his enthusiasm. Harry had even taken notes during the seminars which he showed us. They are growing up so quickly and I pray they will continue to grow in the Lord and that Graham and I will lay down good foundations for them and that God will continue to reveal Himself to them.

It looks like it is going to be a lovely day today so we hope to go to the Cafe in the Park early afternoon and have a walk around the park before Graham's mum and dad arrive.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Wednesday 6th August 2008

Woke up early. Lulu is adapting well to her new environment and is eating and drinking well and is using her litter tray. She is very active though and doesn't appear to sleep very much.

I spent most of the day tidying up and cleaning. Rosie and I cleared her room and took several bags of clothes to the charity bin. The cleaner arrived so we did the house together.

Really missing the boys. It is so quiet without them. A friend popped round this afternoon for a coffee. She has Lulu's sister and is having to get her accustomed to their dog, although the dog appears to be more afraid of the kitten than vice versa.

Rosie is having two friends for a sleepover tonight and we're waiting for my Mum to arrive. Graham is collecting her but don't anticipate them arriving until 11pm.

I must upload some photos tomorrow and finish off the Swiss blog.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Lulu's arrival

Rosie spent the night at a friend's last night. It felt so strange again without any children! We watched the tennis and had a glass of wine and I read for some time.

Felt extremely extravagant this morning as not only did I have a lie in, I stayed in bed reading until 9.30am! I got up when my friend phoned to talk about today's arrangements. I then went to collect Rosie and saw Lulu for the last time with her Mum and five siblings. We intend to collect her later on this afternoon.

Came home and tried to do some housework, but ended up updating my Swiss blog ( see below.) Caught up with my bible readings and listened to the rain on the conservatory roof.

We are going shortly into town to meet my friend and her son for lunch then we are going to The Kiln to make something. It is still raining and I'm just hoping the boys are ok camping in this horrible weather. I'm sure they are having a great time though.

Monday 4 August 2008

Monday 4th August 2008

The builder arrived first thing and fitted the new back door. It was good timing as he was able to put a cat flap in it in preparation for the arrival of Lulu.

A friend and her daughter came round and we walked to the tennis courts and played for some time. I was pretty rubbish but at least it was some exercise.

Rosie and I then went to Pets at Home with her friend and her mother who are also having one of the kittens. We bought everything we need. It is so exciting!

I've started to copy my holiday blog and just need to add the photos:

See fave blogs-below left

Sunday 3 August 2008

Back home

It is Sunday morning and I'm sat in the peace and quiet of my conservatory writing this overlooking the garden which is looking very different since we had most of the willow tree's branches cut back to let in more light.

We arrived back from Faith Camp very late on Friday night as the children wanted to attend their meetings for the last time. We had the most amazing week and I can't see how my life will be the same again if I endeavour to put into practice all I witnessed and learnt there. I can't let it be an occasion where , yes, I had a great time, but I must get on with my life here and forget about the new truths I learnt about God's grace and goodness. The children were also touched in a big way this year too, with Rosie experiencing the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit for the first time. Harry was also filled with the Holy Spirit in an unforgettable way and Charlie appeared to grow in his faith with really wanting to attend his meetings and not miss out on what God was doing in people's lives.

The weather was also fantastic and I was able to relax in my chair whilst reading and sunbathing during the afternoons. Graham was able to visit us five days out of the seven which was great.

Since our return we have been so busy. Yesterday the boys went to Newday at Uttoxeter racecourse and will be back on Friday. We had to wash,iron and unpack and repack their bags in such a short space of time. Rosie went to her friend's last night for a sleepover so Graham and I went out for something to eat and then we went to the cinema to watch Mamma Mia which we enjoyed. Yesterday afternoon Graham was on welcome duty at the Cafe in the Park so we spent a lovely couple of hours eating cake and drinking tea. Chris came over and it was nice to see him. He is staying with Graham's parents for the weekend.

I have just seen the time, so must go and get ready for church.