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Tuesday 31 August 2010

Shuttleworth 10

We returned from a camping trip to Shuttleworth yesterday. 2000 people from the Eastern region of New Frontiers churches gathered together to worship God and listen to David Stroud and Steve Tibbert preach about where we are in God's story of time and how to live out our faith courageously. The worship was wonderful with all songs being my favourites! What I have brought away from the week end will be hopefully character building and changing. God met with me in a deep way this week-end and I just so loved spending time in His presence.

The camping experience was one of endurance due to the weather conditions. It was so cold and rainy. However, spending time with my church family made up for it and we managed to have two bring and share teas where about 50 of us congregated in a marquee in the middle of our allocated pitch. The children thought it was wonderful and all said it was the best one they had been to out of the last three years.

Typically that we are back home and the weather is glorious today with bright sunshine and a blue sky. Definitely got that end of summer feel to it though with dew on the grass and a slight chill. Today is Charlie's last day of the summer holidays before he starts sixth form tomorrow. My baby looks so smart in his business suit! We are immensely proud of him achieving mostly a stars in his gcses. It is such an achievement for him and he wouldn't have reached his potential without God and with all his growth group and leader praying for him, as they did for all the boys in the group everyday during the exam period.

Rosie has lacrosse training for two days and then back to school. I need to take Harry to town today to buy him school shoes. I know I have left it a bit late in buying school shoes so hope we find some for him. He also wants to read The Hobbit and I plan on a trip to Waterstones as we can't find our copy.

I have a busy week ahead of me work wise with 3 or 4 interviews lined up plus I need to start thinking about a piece of work I need to send off to my supervisors before the end of September.

The apartment in Switzerland looks set to go ahead. We have paid a deposit and Graham needs to fly out to Interlaken the week after next to sign the contract. Not sure when it will be ours, but hope we can visit it in October half term to decide what furniture it will need. Don't think we will be able to rent it out for awhile but plan on letting family and friends use it.

Anyway must go and start the day

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Back in Bloggyland!

So much has happened during my month away from Bloggyland that I don't know where to start. So, in summary, I am thanking God for the following during Summer 2010:

1. Our wonderful two week holiday in Switzerland. It is like returning home each time we go. We have been to the same place for the last 22 years. We are thinking of buying a very small apartment in Interlaken as we know we will continue to visit this beautiful area to walk in the glorious mountains twice or more a year. The first few days were strange without Charlie- I felt bereft at times! He had an amazing time in Rome and did so much during the 5 days he was there. Graham and Harry went to meet him, but his flight was delayed by 51/2 hours so they missed the last train back to Interlaken and had to stay in Basel overnight! Highlights of the first week's holiday included a boat trip on Lake Thun, Trotti-biking down the Niederhorn and walking up Harder Kulm. A family from church were staying on the same campsite for a few days so we had several enjoyable evenings with them, playing games, bbq-ing marshmallows, and eating chocolate fondues. The second week was spent in Grindelwald at Hotel Bodmi, in an apartment at the very top of the hotel. The weather wasn't brilliant, but we still had a good time and did the usual walks, including the 6 hour hike from Kleine Sheidegg to First which was amazing. We swam most days and played several games of tension-filled Monopoly with Rosie reigning as our new family champion. So, Graham is flying out on Saturday to meet the estate agent and view the property. We are praying for wisdom and guidance in making the right decision here as we will have to borrow the money. Hopefully, we'll be able to rent it out during the skiing season and times when we know we won't use it. We would be able to go for week-ends as flights are inexpensive, and we will drive for longer trips.

2. All the children have been with 7,000 other 12-18 year olds at Newday for the last 5 days. It is the first time ever that Graham and I have been without all the children for a period of time. It has been so strange and I have missed them so much. They return today at 1pm and I can't wait to see them. Both Rosie and Harry took friends from school and we have been praying that God will have met with them in a life-changing and tangible way. So, during this time away from my taxi-driving job, I have a relatively clean house, I have blitzed the boys' rooms and have taken 4 bin bags of clothes to charity, I have worked on my project, Graham and I have been out for a couple of nice meals. On Saturday evening we drove to Cambridge and went to Browns and had such a nice meal. We were going to go away walking in the Dales for the week-end which leads me on to the next point.

3. A lesson learned from God about trusting Him, and not avoiding his promptings, which thankfully we didn't. We kept putting off booking our week-end away and in the end I just ran out of time as we were too busy organising Charlie's trip with his friend and our own holiday. On holiday we had a text message from Graham's mum to say that she had a date for her hip replacement op which was last week-end. So we knew that was the reason why we hadn't booked anywhere. We have been able to take Beryl to the hospital, visit everyday and take Graham's dad to see her and look after him too. He is 86, walks unsteadily with a stick and we have been able to discourage him from driving so far. I will set off after I've written this to bring her home. The operation has been successful and she is recovering well. I feel I am really living my project at the moment and will have to see how they get on during the next few weeks as it will be difficult for me to drive over every day when we are back at school and the routine of a new term. They live 30 minutes away, and I'm just praying that Beryl will be ready to go home when I get to the hospital so I will be back in time to collect the children!

3. I am so thankful for changes, the new season which is ahead of us, a new term for the children, a new stage in Charlie's life with sixth form. I had supervision yesterday and in order for me to complete this PhD in three years, I am going to have major deadlines each month and will be extremely busy during the next year. Less coffee and lunch time with friends I think. But with God's help, I will do it. We did talk about me having some time off ( suspension) if Graham's parents need more help, so we will see.

4. I am thankful that we have a new baby nephew and cousin for the children in the family. Baby Henry was born 2 days ago to my sister-in-law and brother and is doing well.