We've had such a busy but fantastic weekend. I just felt I was going from one event to the next without taking a breath.
On Friday night we went to see Harry in his school concert. He played the snare drum in the marching band and then the clarinet in the orchestra. I then went to a Body Shop party at a friend's before collecting Charlie from church.
Saturday was a whirlwind of a day with preparing the food for the party of the century. A friend popped round so I could help her with her knitting. She has knitted a beautiful little hat and cardigan for her niece who is pregnant. Some of Rosie's friends arrived early and then we went to the Village Hall to set up. I had enlisted lots of hands on support including the daughters of two friends. Charlie helped Graham with the lights and music whilst Harry manned the bar. Twenty 10 year old girls had a great time and it went so quickly. After the party we went to the pub with the three girls who were coming back for a sleepover and met up with some other friends.
The girls slept outside in a tent( well almost ). I was woken up at 1.30am by Rosie saying they were coming inside as they couldn't sleep because of the thunder storm. We didn't even hear the storm.
After not very much sleep we got up early and left for a service at Christ Church in town. Harry's friend was getting baptised. It was such a lovely service. The worship was great and the communion very moving. I had forgotten how formal C of E churches can be but the communion was extremely reverent The minister preached from Isiah 40 and Mark 1 about John the Baptist. Harry's friend did so well and was very brave. All the candidates were baptised outside in a children's paddling pool. Later last night when Harry and I were praying he said he wanted to get baptised, so I told him to speak to his cell group leader on Wednesday as I really don't want it to come from us. It was our wedding anniversary yesterday which we didn't really celebrate as we were too busy celebrating other things. One of the hymns yesterday was Love Divine which we sung at our wedding. We haven't sung that for ages so it was quite meaningful to sing it on our anniversary.
We were invited to go back to our friends' for lunch but we had another commitment which I was secretly hoping had been cancelled due to the storm during the night. However the weather brightened up and we went to Rosie's school fete where we spent three hours sat in our chairs eating cream teas. Charlie went home as he was bored. Graham then went to play golf and I suddenly became energy depleted and chilled out on the sofa for awhile. I still hadn't finished my presentation for today but there was no way I could think so we all had an early night and I finished my book- Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. I never thought I would enjoy books like the ones Francine Rivers writes but I do and have got another two of hers by my bed to read.
I woke up several times in the night and tried hard not to think about my interview.
I eventually got up at 6.45am and decided I felt awful. My glands in my neck felt swollen and I had a sore throat and what I thought was the beginning of a cold. After dropping the children off at school I made myself go to the gym but felt too run down to do a workout so I swam 80 lengths instead. I then rushed home and did an intense bit of work for two hours on my presentation and printed off a couple of things to take with me. Amazingly I started to feel better and think I may have had a touch of hay fever. The pollen count was very high yesterday and it was extremely windy. We were sat in a field for three hours so I'm sure that was the cause.
I went for my interview at the OU in MK. I would like to write that it went very well, but it didn't. I felt nervous and felt I didn't sell myself enough. There were several others being interviewed today but despite not feeling positive about the outcome I am just so relieved it is over with. The four interviewers were really nice and non threatening but I felt unable to express myself, partly due to the questions that were posed. Never mind. They will let me know the outcome on Friday ( my birthday ).
I had some words of encouragement sent to me today from a couple of friends. One was Psalm 90:17:
'May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us- yes, establish the work of our hands.'
The other was 'Remember that all things work for good for those who love the Lord'
Graham was back early tonight and collected Rosie from rounders practice. Our builder came round later to measure up for the new doors we are having from the lounge to the conservatory and a new back door and he is taking the kitchen door frame out. He then took Harry to band practice for me which was a real help. Charlie went to cell group and then I collected Harry from church.
Off to bed now.
Hi...Wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday early~!!!
Sounds like you've been hit lately and I wanted to encourage you to know how loved you are on your special day...you were purposefully planned by our Daddy in Heaven and then He worked out all the details of getting you to where you are today, and give you those precious darlings and great hubby!!!...
Have a wonderful day tomorrow and know that I am grateful that He directed our hearts to be connected in His love!
Happy Birthday!!!
Oh, hey forgot to tell you that I'm having a contest...check it out at the blog!
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