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Friday 31 October 2008

Day trip to London

We had such a great day yesterday. We drove to London and parked in Cavendish Square near Oxford Street. We then walked and walked, sightseeing in a real tourist way, taking lots of photographs. We went on the London Eye which was amazing. Thankfully it had stopped raining by the time we had queued to get on the capsule so we had really good views of London and its landmarks.

We then went for something to eat and found a Chinese buffet nearby which was ok, but not brilliant. We then visited the London Movieum which displays props and artefacts from famous movies. The highlights were a mini from The Italian Job and a dalek from Dr Who.

We then walked back across the river, past The Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. We walked through St James's Park and past Trafalgar Square and Nelson's Columnn and then back up to Oxford Circus and Regent Street where we did a spot of shopping in H & M ( well Rosie and I did- the boys and Graham went to Starbucks for hot chocolates).

We then went to see The Sound of Music at The Palladium. It was an excellent show with amazing stage effects and evocotive scenery. However, in my critical mode I didn't think it was remotely comparable to the film and I didn't enjoy the slight story changes or the addition of two new songs!

We then drove home, but didn't get back until nearly 1am due to the roadworks on the M1. The children slept in the car.

Today has been spent researching my topic which I'm thoroughly enjoying. I have been looking at the role of the Victorian mother in Great Britain as part of the literature review which is really fascinating. Working class women had a tough time with a life expectancy of only 54 years and 63% giving birth to eight or more children! As well as looking after all those children the majority of them had to supplement their husbands' incomes by working in order to provide food for their family.

Harry went to a party and Rosie and I went into town. Charlie stayed at home and Graham played golf this afternoon.

Looking forward to tomorrow. We have our cell/growth group first thing but don't expect many people to turn up as one person is away on business and another is on holiday. However it will still go ahead. Jesus said in the bible that when two or more people gather in His name that He is present, so that is encouragement enough to continue with it.

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Half- Term holidays

I am now more or less fully recovered from a bout of food poisoning following a meal out on Friday night. I was awake most of the night and in bed all day Saturday and stayed at home all day Sunday! Yesterday we went to Bolton to visit my Mum for the day. The journey took over four hours due to an accident on the motorway. We had a nice time once there though and went to Rivington and then to Dad's tree. The weather wasn't brilliant but at least it had stopped raining by the time we went to the memorial forest.

Today has been spent at college for a couple of hours. Rosie was playing hockey all day and I took the boys to their Grandparents for a couple of hours. We then drove home and collected Rosie. Graham came home early. I'm feeling tired and have already begun to acclimatise myself to the darker evenings and the clocks only went back on Saturday. I must admit that I'm not overly fond of the dark nights and will look forward with anticipation to December 22nd when the nights will start to get lighter again!

Tomorrow afternoon I'm planning to meet up with a friend and her four children, two of whom are friends of the boys and are in the same class at school together.

I'm really looking forward to Thursday when we are going to London to go on The London Eye and then to see The Sound of Music.

Friday 24 October 2008

Friday 24th October 2008

I've had a great few days. Tuesday's workshop was very informative. The speaker had such a great sense of humour. I then collected the boys from Graham's parents after having lunch with them. It was nice to see them, although concerning how Graham's mother's back appears to have seized up again.

On Wednesday we went into the town centre to buy a couple of items. We had a lovely coffee at Costa Coffee before coming home.

Thursday was spent at college for most of the day. Graham worked from home. The builder came round to finalise the kitchen arrangements. I'm so looking forward to having a new kitchen.

Today has been spent chilling at home and then food shopping at Tesco. The boys are going ice skating with church this evening and Rosie has her ballet lesson. Graham and I are going to eat at the local pub with friends and then Rosie will join us after her lesson.

I spoke to my mum today who has to go and have a scan as she has an enlarged painful breast. She is so worried. Her health has really suffered this year. We can just pray that she leans on God through whatever lies ahead. We plan to go and see her on Monday.

Tuesday 21 October 2008

Harry's Baptism -Sunday 19th October 2008

The photos say it all! It was one of the happiest days of my life seeing one of my sons go through the waters of baptism and give his testimony in front of all those people. He was so brave. Six people were baptised, all having very different but incredible testimonies.

We were aware that we would be up against some opposition afterwards and we have had a strange couple of days. Yesterday the work I had spent all Friday doing on the computer ( about six hours worth- an article review ) was lost. I found the file but couldn't open it. Anyway I did learn a huge lesson as I must ensure that I back up everything on a memory stick. Graham has since given me a 5GB memory stick so it won't happen again. I also must stop the children from playing their games on my computer. So yesterday was spent working and repeating Friday's work and finishing off the rest. I didn't finish until 11pm. What a start to the school holidays! I felt so bad that I couldn't do anything with the children.

Today it was Harry's turn. We are looking after a neighbour's pets and Harry lost the door key! We looked everywhere to no avail and then we had to go to MK as I had to sort out the work I had finished last night and send it to my supervisors before attending a Doctoral workshop. Rosie went to a friend's and Graham took the boys to his parents. I contacted the parents of our neighbours who fed the pets but they could not see the key anywhere in the house. I called out to God to help me and then I found it! It was in a shoe. Harry had dropped the key in the hall which had landed in a plimsoll which I had put in a gym bag and taken upstairs to Harry's room.

So despite the trying couple of days I felt that we overcame them with God's help of course.

Saturday 18 October 2008

Saturday 18th October 2008

The weather has really dropped in temperature over the last week. But despite the cold, the weather has been beautiful with lovely sunny days and blue skies.

I have had a great week at the OU and have now started to do some work. I had my first supervision last week which went ok. I am so enjoying researching my topic at the moment and am looking forward to starting to piece it all together.

The children are well and have now finished school for two weeks.

Our cell group started this morning. There were five of us and it went well. We discussed Gideon and the global recession and what it means to us as Christians.

So looking forward to Harry's baptism tomorrow. We have invited so many people. It is such a shame that my Mum can't be here. Graham's Mum also phoned up today to say she can't move as her back has seized up and won't be able to come. It is good that the service will be videoed.

Saturday 11 October 2008

On the road to MK

It has been a beautiful day today. All last week on my way to Milton Keynes I marvelled in the beauty of the surrounding countryside, particularly the autumnal colours of the leaves on the roadside trees. I so wanted to capture them on photo as the sun made the colours appear more vivid. However it is impossible to stop on such a busy road. Well, today I had an opportunity as Harry and I went to collect Rosie and her friends from a party in Woburn Sands. Harry took the photos, and whilst they are not brilliant as I was driving too fast they will remind me of this beautiful time of year. The last photo is of a fallow field which always looks so vast when I drive past it. When Harry was taking the photos there was a hot air balloon slowly drifting by up in the sky. It looked magnificent against its backdrop of blue sky and fields that seemed to go on for ever. I'm so loving my drive to work at the moment as it makes me appreciative of the seasons and is another way how God reveals Himself to me via His creation.

Charlie played rugby and lost but enjoyed the match. I took Harry to Box End to do some wakeboarding, but unfortunately there was a special university event on so he was unable to do it. We sat outside and had a drink watching the students fall into the water!

Graham got up at 5am to catch a flight to Germany to meet up with 11 guys from church who are away for a 50th birthday celebration of a friend.

I am going to do some knitting. I really want to complete my two cardigans I am in the process of knitting. I have almost finished one, but every time I pick up my knitting needles Lulu jumps into the wool and ends up getting entangled in it!

Finished reading 'A Walk with Jane Austen' last night. It was good as it was written from a Christian perspective and I learnt a couple of things about Jane Austen and her family.

Friday 10 October 2008

Be Strong and Courageous

Can't believe how apt my bible notes are for today:

The locusts have one more important lesson to teach us: Instead of following, lead the way! If you keep hoping someone will take you by the hand and tell you how it's all going to work out, you'll never get anywhere. 'The locusts have no king [leader], yet they go forth.' Note the word 'go.' Has it occurred to you that God may have called you to blaze the trail and set the pace? You've sat in church for years and heard all the sermons, now 'it's time to cross the Jordan and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you' (See Joshua 1:11). But you say, 'Nobody in my family has ever done anything like this before.' Good, then you'll be the first! Who are you going to listen to? The voices of your dysfunctional past or the God who is saying to you, 'Be strong and courageous...for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go' (Joshua 1:9 NIV). Having folks think your ideas are crazy is just part of every success story. When God moves, He doesn't commission a focus group or call for a vote. No, He looks for somebody like Isaiah to say, 'Here am I. Send me!' (Isaiah 6:8 NIV). Then He underwrites them, equips them and sends them out to be 'The head, and not the tail...above only, and...not...beneath' (Deuteronomy 28:13). Remember that the people God uses are people He can trust with success; people who say, 'My wings were too small to travel this far. It wasn't my flapping around that got me here, it was God.'

I've had such a good week and have been busy adapting to being a student again. The flexibility ensures that I can be around at important times of the day for the children. I've also managed to go to the gym twice and attend Rosie's harvest festival at school yesterday.

The dominating news of the week is the global financial crisis which is affecting so many people we know, and some good friends who work for an Icelandic Bank. We just pray that they will give the situation to God and trust that He will sustain them.'All things work together for good' ( Romans 8:28 ). I know it is easy for me to say that when I'm not in that situation and for a man to lose his job, not just the financial side of things must be absolutely terrible.

Graham has had a really busy week and has been away a couple of nights. He is home tonight. The children are happy and busy. Charlie is busy with his DT project and is playing rugby twice this weekend, once for school and for Bedford Blues on Sunday. Harry is playing in the band on Sunday. After school today I have to take him to church for baptismal prep. Rosie is going from one thing to the next without drawing breath! She has a hockey match after school tonight, then a ballet lesson and then the school disco. She wanted to go to a friend's for a sleepover tonight but I didn't think it was a good idea as she is having two friends over tomorrow night.

Have just seen the time. Must go and do some housework before going to a client's house ( Cornerstone) to help her sort out things to throw away in a skip social services are providing for her. This will be my last activity as a volunteer for a while. I have made the decision to relinquish Cornerstone for a while as I do not have the time anymore. I thought I would feel upset, but feel almost relieved. I will miss the clients, but realise it is time to move on.

Monday 6 October 2008

Monday 6th Oct 2008.

I'm feeling a bit jaded already and it is only Monday. I had a couple of really intense days at the OU ( Thurs and Fri )with the PhD student induction and then faculty induction today. I met up with my supervisors today who are so lovely and extremely understanding. I am so excited about my course and really intend to give it my all. My research topic ( The Stretched Generation- Caring for Children and Elderly Relatives within the Same Time Frame ) is so interesting and I can't wait to get started. I aim to go to the OU everyday this week except Friday and then as from next week I will work at home on Mondays and Fridays. I am able to leave early to be there for the children after school which is great, although I wouldn't have contemplated doing the doctorate if I couldn't be flexible.

Well, I had such an eventful but brilliant time away on Friday night. My poor friend who I was staying away with had such an awful day on Friday which involved her son being taken in an ambulance to hospital following an asthma attack. However the incident wasn't straightforward as the ambulance took her son without her consent whilst she had just nipped back home to get her G.P.'s telephone number. When she returned to the ambulance it had gone to the hospital without letting her know. As a mother the distress she must have felt was unimaginable. Her son recovered following the administration of a nebuliser and came home. Anyway, I had set off to Cambridge on my own not knowing what to do. Graham had taken some time off work to look after the children and I thought my friend would probably come to the conference the following day. There were about twenty women from our church who were going so I knew I wouldn't be on my own but was bitterly disappointed as I was looking forward to spending time with my friend. Just as I arrived in Cambridge my friend phoned and said her son was home, was fine and was singing in the shower so she was coming! I was overjoyed as I knew she was meant to go to this annual women's conference which we both get so much out of.

I then found the hotel and trotted off to the conference which was just around the corner. The evening session was a great time of praise and worship with Angie Campbell and Margaret Stunt preaching about forgiveness. There was an altar call at the end with about twenty people responding.

I then walked back to the hotel, met my friend and then we went to Pizza Express for a lovely meal. Back at the hotel we finished off a bottle of wine and chatted until late.

Saturday's sessions were excellent. It was a real time of refreshment and encouragement. I felt real confirmation that ' God has placed me where He wants me to be. '

I arrived home at 8pm after dropping off a couple of people and after a short time spent with Graham and the children I was in bed by 9.30pm!

Sunday was spent baking cakes and making lunch in the morning. Charlie played rugby and then some friends came by for a cup of tea in the afternoon before church. Church was fantastic. How I love spending time in His presence ( whether at church or elsewhere) and learning about Him.

Harry told the youth leader that he wants to get baptised which is amazing! The baptismal service is in two weeks time which is great.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Hebrews 13:8- Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever

Whatever changes are happening in my life I know that the above is THE firm foundation for my life. The change in my job ( my choice ), the change of season with colder weather, darker evenings and beautifully coloured leaves made the above particularly poignant today.

There has been a real drop in temperature today with strong winds contributing to the autumnal feel. The central heating was switched on for the first time for a short period.

I dropped the children off at school first thing and came home and did a spot of housework before setting off to find another photo booth. I had photos taken yesterday as requested by the OU which I specifically went into town for only to have discovered this morning that I couldn't remember what I did with them. I searched high and low and still couldn't find them. How on earth will I do a PhD if I can't remember something like that! I drove to Sainsbury's and found a booth there where I had another four photos taken.

I then drove to the OU and enrolled which was straightforward enough. I handed in my photo for my student card and was told that my wage will be tax free and that I am also eligible for council tax exemptions. I don't know how that will work, but will certainly look into it.

I was given a timetable for the next few days and a lunch invite from the postgraduate students' society. I decided not to take this up and went to visit Graham's mum and Dad instead for lunch! I had a lovely time with them and they were pleased to see me. I will be able to call and see them more often now which is great. They were telling me about the lovely juniper tree in their garden which has caused a multitude of problems to their sewerage pipes so they are having it removed tomorrow. It is a real shame but it has affected the drainage of several of their neighbours' homes, so it has to go ( see above photos). I also took a photo of the lace Beryl is making to decorate some napkins which were meant for Alison.

Anyway, after a pleasant couple of hours I came home and read through some of the paperwork I was given today. I then set off to the Dentist and had a filling which wasn't a nice experience. My tooth fell apart a couple of weeks ago whilst eating seeded bread. Serves me right for being so healthy! It wouldn't have happened if I'd have had white bread!

I then came home, made chilli for tea and collected Rosie. We then collected Harry who had been to London to see a musical. Rosie had also been to the theatre today to see a Shakespeare for kids production ( Romeo and Juliet). I personally think Shakespeare is overrated but that is probably because I can't understand him! Charlie has had a good day and did some weight lifting as part of his PE GCSE. Tomorrow will be a different day with a further induction session starting at lunchtime and ending with a dinner in the evening.