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Monday 6 October 2008

Monday 6th Oct 2008.

I'm feeling a bit jaded already and it is only Monday. I had a couple of really intense days at the OU ( Thurs and Fri )with the PhD student induction and then faculty induction today. I met up with my supervisors today who are so lovely and extremely understanding. I am so excited about my course and really intend to give it my all. My research topic ( The Stretched Generation- Caring for Children and Elderly Relatives within the Same Time Frame ) is so interesting and I can't wait to get started. I aim to go to the OU everyday this week except Friday and then as from next week I will work at home on Mondays and Fridays. I am able to leave early to be there for the children after school which is great, although I wouldn't have contemplated doing the doctorate if I couldn't be flexible.

Well, I had such an eventful but brilliant time away on Friday night. My poor friend who I was staying away with had such an awful day on Friday which involved her son being taken in an ambulance to hospital following an asthma attack. However the incident wasn't straightforward as the ambulance took her son without her consent whilst she had just nipped back home to get her G.P.'s telephone number. When she returned to the ambulance it had gone to the hospital without letting her know. As a mother the distress she must have felt was unimaginable. Her son recovered following the administration of a nebuliser and came home. Anyway, I had set off to Cambridge on my own not knowing what to do. Graham had taken some time off work to look after the children and I thought my friend would probably come to the conference the following day. There were about twenty women from our church who were going so I knew I wouldn't be on my own but was bitterly disappointed as I was looking forward to spending time with my friend. Just as I arrived in Cambridge my friend phoned and said her son was home, was fine and was singing in the shower so she was coming! I was overjoyed as I knew she was meant to go to this annual women's conference which we both get so much out of.

I then found the hotel and trotted off to the conference which was just around the corner. The evening session was a great time of praise and worship with Angie Campbell and Margaret Stunt preaching about forgiveness. There was an altar call at the end with about twenty people responding.

I then walked back to the hotel, met my friend and then we went to Pizza Express for a lovely meal. Back at the hotel we finished off a bottle of wine and chatted until late.

Saturday's sessions were excellent. It was a real time of refreshment and encouragement. I felt real confirmation that ' God has placed me where He wants me to be. '

I arrived home at 8pm after dropping off a couple of people and after a short time spent with Graham and the children I was in bed by 9.30pm!

Sunday was spent baking cakes and making lunch in the morning. Charlie played rugby and then some friends came by for a cup of tea in the afternoon before church. Church was fantastic. How I love spending time in His presence ( whether at church or elsewhere) and learning about Him.

Harry told the youth leader that he wants to get baptised which is amazing! The baptismal service is in two weeks time which is great.

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