Hooray- as from tomorrow the days will start to get longer.
Here are some photos of our lovely new kitchen.
Thank you Daune for the above. I guess I need to say what the five things are that I am addicted to:
1. God
2. Husband and children
3. Music
4. Reading
5. Friends- perhaps they should be higher up in the list than music and reading
Have had a busy weekend with exchanging of presents on Friday night with friends ( although felt bad as had only bought presents for the friends who will be in the Lakes for Christmas- still have two days left and we will see the other two families on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day )and a housewarming party last night with neighbours. Today was brilliant at Church. It was the Nativity play and Rosie was a Christmas present ( non speaking part ). I felt really proud as she had made her outfit all by herself. She had cut holes in a huge box and had wrapped it in Christmas paper and wore a huge bow in her hair. She looked great.
This afternoon I cleaned half the conservatory and was able to put the chairs and table back in place. I washed six chair covers and scrubbed the floor and cleaned the windows. I could not believe the amount of dust on the windows. Rosie had friends round to play and then we had a couple of guests for tea and mince pies including Graham's sister's partner. It was great to see him.
We spent the evening watching the Christmas Lark Rise to Candleford and yesterday's episode of Outnumbered. I have a busy day ahead tomorrow with an appointment at the surgery tomorrow morning for a flu jab then Lulu has a vet appointment in the afternoon. In between I have to clean the other half of the conservatory and replace the kitchen items which are still in the family room. I also have to do the food shopping for Christmas Day and deliver cards and go into town to buy presents!
You have a beautiful kitchen!
Do post pix of your daughter in her 'present' costume~!
That would be awesome...
Have a great holiday and know someone here in America is wishing you a marvelous celebration of the
'babe born in a manger-King of Kings and Lord of Lords'!!!
Hugs and Kisses!
Howdy! I stumbled across your blog while browsing through the "Christian Women Online" blogroll, and I hope you don't mind the surprise visit! You have a lovely page and I wish you a very Merry Christmas! <3 Martha
P.S. I...waaant.. your kitchen!!
Thank you for your quick response, I am looking forward to getting to know you better *smile*
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