My Blog List

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Charlie's 18th birthday came and went very quickly. He went to Letton Hall with church on the Friday and then came back on Saturday to party and go clubbing with his school friends. We had a dramatic end to the week end due to Charlie developing an allergic reaction to something he ate and we ended up in A & E ! We were told it was due to something he had ingested within the hour so reckon it was the colouring in the BBQ sauce on his ribs! Very scary at the time but thankfully he was ok after Piriton.

Still amending my thesis and looking for part-time work. I have applied for a couple of part-time lecturing posts to start in January but haven't heard anything yet. Sure God has got something planned for me so I need to be patient.


fatmonica said...

I'm glad to hear Charlie's ok-at least his 18th will be doubly memorable now!Hope you find the perfect job soon.

Unknown said...

Missin' your words...come back!