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Monday, 23 November 2009

Monday 23rd November 2009

What a hectic few days we've had. It was Charlie's birthday on the 19th and we took him to Pizza Hut after school. The next day I took Rosie with a friend and her daughter to see The Jonas Brothers at Wembley Arena. I realised I am getting old as I was far too tired the next day. Charlie had his party on Saturday night. He went out to a restaurant and then the cinema with friends before coming home with four of them for a sleepover. Think they played on the playstation for most of the night, but I was good and didn't get too involved and allowed them to have fun! I was so tired yesterday though. The weather was awful so didn't go out after church. Church was amazing as usual, probably because God is!

Today I have been to the gym- ran/walked for 50mins today, and felt good afterwards. Worked, transcribing my interviews for a lot of the day, broken up by a lunch out with a friend which was nice.

Just about to start my taxi driver role. Charlie has cell group and Harry band practice. Several challenges ahead during the next two weeks including supervision on Wednesday, data analysis and then I am presenting at Oxford University next week. I will look forward to next week-end. Although we have a lovely week-end planned this coming one with, a Delirious? concert on Friday and then a party in London ( L'Escargot and then Ronnie Scott's).

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Faith building week-end. Sunday 15th November 2009

Galatians 5

22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

My bible notes for today include the above. Having just heard someone on the radio say they couldn't be a Christian because of all the rules I thought it was apt. How wrong they are! We do not live under law.

Had an amazing day yesterday at church. Julian Adams, a guy with a prophetic teaching gift is here for the week-end and God has been ministering to us through him. What a morning! I can't take it in yet what was spoken over Graham and myself. Sooo looking forward to church this morning. I felt so blessed yesterday and full of the Holy Spirit. I also feel I learnt more about prophecy and how God uses ordinary people to prophesy.

Other stuff which is happening right now include: Charlie's 16th birthday next week and Rosie's school merging with the other girls' school in town- lot's of decisions to be made, particularly as the school is the other side of town and will add another half hour onto the journey.

I have started my pilot study and realise I'm a rubbish interviewer as I became too emotionally involved in what I was being told and ended up in tears with the participant!! Other work is due in tomorrow and I am still only a third of the way through.

We've had storms and gales here but they appear to have subsided today and the sun is shining. i must get out and get some fresh air. Graham wants me to walk around the golf course with his buddies this afternoon, but I'd rather not.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Wednesday 11th November 2009

Forgot about the 11th hour on the 11th day ! At least we remembered in church on Sunday.

Having a good week. The decorator is here painting the hall, landing and stairs which haven't been painted since just after we moved here!! Work is going well and I have my first interview for my pilot study set up for tomorrow. Still researching caregiving and UK policy which needs to be submitted on Monday. Why am I always so last minute?! If I didn't have deadlines I wouldn't get anything done.

Looking forward to the week-end and visiting speaker Julian Adams at church both Saturday and Sunday. Praying God will use him to edify the church.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Friday 6th November 2009

Have had a good week. Work has gone well. I've now contacted 2 people for my pilot study and plan to visit them next week. Busy writing about policy and care giving as well.

We went to a local fireworks display on Wednesday which was great, particularly as it was free. Charlie and Rosie are going to another one tonight with friends and then we're all going to a party tomorrow night following a school concert Harry is playing his guitar in.

The nights are really drawing in now and it's getting cold as well. Still mustn't grumble!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

End of half-term

Proverbs 4:18

The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.

I'm sat in the conservatory looking out on a rainy day. Have to wake Harry to take him to church for practice before the service starts. Charlie has a rugby match this morning and I'm hoping it will be cancelled!

Back to the routine tomorrow.