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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Working from home

I'm trying to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons of working from home. Whilst it is great that I can spend time in my own home and can combine work with the children and housework, I do miss my student colleagues. My home environment is more conducive to writing than the one at work but it is also one which leads to distraction. I also tend to accept too many coffee/lunch invitations. I recognise that I need to be more disciplined but putting it into practice is another matter. The cat getting stuck up a tree (again) whilst chasing a bird this morning didn't help! Thankfully Charlie is at home and so scaled the tree with a basket which the cat jumped into and then passed it down to me. Working on another draft findings chapter at the moment which is due in on Monday.

Charlie only has 3 more AS exams left, Harry has had a few end of year and an early gcse exam with more to follow after half term and Rosie's end of year exams are taking place all this week.

The weather is lovely but at the back of my mind I am concerned that we haven't had any rain for weeks now and the garden is looking very dry. The North of the country are having more than average rainfall whilst in the South there is talk of a drought!

Monday, 16 May 2011

A Monday in May

When God pours out His blessing upon you, you'll begin to see three things. First, that your problems are just an opportunity for Him to ' Himself strong on [your] behalf...' (2 Chronicles 16:9 NKJV). Second, that His '"...strength is made perfect in [your] weakness"...' (2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV). Third, that you can reach a place where you actually begin to thank God for your enemies, because God 'prepares a table', and vindicates you right there in front of them (Psalm 23:5 NKJV).

Part of my Bible notes for today. So true.

Really struggling with bad Hay Fever. Don't think I've ever had it so bad but it feels like I've got a permanent cold. I have been taking cetrizine or loperamide but both make me drowsy ( even the non-drowsy ) and don't make much difference in terms of symptom relief. Now taking Beconase. I heard on the radio this morning that the Milton Keynes area was the worst in the country for Hay Fever sufferers at the moment as we haven't had any rain for weeks plus it is so windy at the moment. Anyway, little rant over with. Supervision tomorrow then back to writing another draft chapter. I won't finish at the end of September but hopefully by the end of the year. My funding runs out in September so will need to find a part time job then. Just have to think that God is in control and knows what is best for me.

Our new assistant leader preached for the first time yesterday. Wow-what a challenge for us individually and as a Church. We need to break-out of our comfort zones and stand up for what we believe in more. Not rocket science but basic principles which we should adhere to and stop being wishy-washy Christians in our environments.

Charlie is off school now for exam leave and Harry breaks up soon. Half-term in a couple of weeks and we are off to Interlaken for a few days.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Loving the day already. Just about to go and get ready for church. The sun is shining and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet. Graham is away golfing in the Lakes with three friends, Charlie is in bed, Harry is camping in a field somewhere for a practice D of E and Rosie left early this morning to go to London for a friend's birthday party.

I drove 400 miles yesterday- a 350 round trip with Rosie to visit my mum and then we drove to Horwich and then to see my dad's tree and then to Frankie and Benny's for tea. We got back at 9pm. I'm glad I did it and whilst it's difficult trying to communicate with my mum I feel less guilty that I live so far away from her. She seemed well physically though.

Next week will be very busy. Two draft chapters in for Friday, Twenties on Tuesday, Prayer meeting on Wednesday and lots of the usual children's taxiing around. My car needs a major overhaul so will be in the garage all day on Tuesday.

We start prayer and fasting for a week, so Facebook and lunch will be replaced with prayer! That is my plan and with God's help I will do it. I know when we have prayed and fasted previously God has moved in our family and within the church!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful to God for many things at the moment:

Family-Graham and children and our health
Friends-I'm thankful that God always provides supportive friends especially at times when I need them.
The privilege of helping lead the Twenties group at church with Graham. We had 17 young adults in our growth group on Tuesday night and it was great. I'm so excited to see how God is going to help us all to grow and how He will transform us over the next few weeks. We're still running our Saturday group for the time being.
The opportunity to work from home and I'm praying that I won't get so easily distracted when I'm trying to write.

Another deadline approaches and I need to get my act together and start working hard. It has been difficult to write anything half decent during the last few weeks with the children being off school. Normally I can work when the children are here, with fights, arguments and laughter surrounding me alongside the general background noise that three children plus their friends make but since Harry has upped his band practices the noise from electric guitars has caused my brain to cease functioning I think!

I took my car to the garage this morning to sort out the air conditioning (which they couldn't fix and I have to return it next week)and as I was walking to collect my car I took the above picture of the lovely countryside.