My Blog List

Friday, 28 November 2008

Friday 28th November 2008

I've had a really strange week with conflict, car breakdown, asthmatic wheeze, a building site in the kitchen, and that is just me. Graham has had a stressful week at work, Harry has had several nose bleeds, and Rosie has been mega busy with sport, ballet and other groups. Something really awful happened when Graham wasn't sat at his desk and the reality of the situation hasn't really hit me. The window just behind him fell onto the desk. His office is now cordoned off and investigations are taking place into why the accident happened. Charlie has had an ok week thankfully. I went to see a good friend of mine this afternoon to pray about things. She has also been feeling burdened and oppressed, particularly following the Thanksgiving week at church.

However, amidst the feelings of chaos I know that God has been with us and is teaching me to walk more closely with Him. I also had a positive supervision session at work and feel I am progressing quite well.

I have finished The Last Sin Eater this week and have started a novel by Sadie Jones- The Outcast which is great. Can't believe it's December next week and I won't be able to start Christmas preparations like make Christmas cakes until the kitchen is finished which looks a long way off at the moment.

Have had to cancel cell group tomorrow unfortunately. We've also got a busy weekend planned- well the children have. Rosie has hockey at 8.30am, then her grade 3 ballet exam and then the school Christmas fete followed by a sleep over. Harry has got a party and Charlie is playing rugby for the school. In the evening we're going out for a curry with four friends.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Saturday 22nd November 2008

The above is a photo of the campus church taken at dusk on my way home this week. I have to walk past it on my way to the car park each day I am there and it just looks so out of place as it is such an old building compared to the high tech modern buildings on site. However, for me it is a reminder that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and I can just imagine people worshipping there hundreds and hundreds of years ago. It is also demonstrates how dark the evenings are becoming now. It is dark just after 4pm. Roll on Dec 21st and the start of the lighter evenings.

Had a couple of good days, but felt frustrated yesterday. We had a letter from the Borough Council about needing building regs to remove the conservatory doors. We have two options. We either replace the doors or apply for building regs and employ a surveyor to conduct a heating loss assessment. We won't get the go ahead with the regs as the conservatory is too big. So, it looks like we'll have to get some doors. We didn't know we couldn't remove the doors and feel misguided by our builder.

The kitchen is now due to start next Weds. It's a good job we're going to have a breakfast bar put in now that the doors have to go back on as the table will be less accessible.

Anyway it is so cold here. The temp has really dropped and we're expecting temps of -10 degrees today with the wind chill factor. We went out last night to some friends for dinner in the village. We had a good time. Graham and his golf mates are very funny when together.

Looking forward to the weekend. The children are busy with hockey for Rosie this morning, rugby for Charlie this afternoon and Harry is at a friend's for a sleepover and will return later. We have our home group late morning which should be good as a new lady is coming along. This afternoon I need to go into town to look at fridges and Graham plans to have a couple of friends round to watch the rugby.

I then need to crack on with some work this evening. I managed to do a lot yesterday but went to the gym and then to Sainsburys so need to catch up.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Happy Birthday Charlie

I can't believe that my gorgeous boy is 15 today! He has had a great day at school and then we all went to Santaniello's for dinner this evening. We have bought him a laptop, which arrived just in time today. He absolutely loves it. It will make homework easier for everyone now with two computers between the three of them.

Went into work late today as I waited in for the computer to be delivered. I managed to do some more writing this afternoon and am starting to feel under pressure to submit something by Monday.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Monday 17th November 2008

We've had a great weekend which culminated in two Thanksgiving services at church yesterday where we recommitted our lives. The highlights of the two services were the corporate declaration of faith which involved signing our names on a huge roll of paper. Prior to that we had written thank you cards to God which provided a good opportunity to think about what we are thankful for. In between the two services, friends came for lunch.

The afternoon service was extremely lively with some great worship and after congoing (not sure whether that's a word ) around the church three or four times and dancing I felt like I had been to the gym. It was such good fun- even Graham boogied slightly. Harry was shattered at the end of the day after playing in the band twice. He said he had played 14 songs in total! It was so good to see him jumping up and down on stage really worshipping God. All the children loved the day.

On Saturday we went to the local pub for a meal with 9 other couples which was ok. At least I didn't get food poisoning again!

It is Charlie's fifteenth birthday the day after tomorrow. He is growing up so quickly. He played rugby twice this weekend and won both matches.

I have been swimming first thing this morning after dropping the children off at school and have been sat at the computer for much of the rest of the day trying to write but appear to have a mental block. It is because I have no pressure for a few days, although I have got more to do for this week's supervision. I need to go out soon to take Harry's banjo to the guitar centre as it needs a new string before collecting Rosie to take her to ballet.

Going to have a last ditch attempt at work for the day

Friday, 14 November 2008

On my knees

I've had a good day starting with the gym and then coffee with a friend. I came home and did some work before collecting the children from school and taking them to their various activities.

I have finally learnt how to include videos on here! So here is one of my favourite all time songs- although I prefer Nicole Mullen's version.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Wednesday 13th November 2008

I'm having a good but busy week so far. I have some work to finish off before tomorrow's supervision and should have been writing tonight. However I went to a prayer meeting at church instead which was great. God's presence was tangible and again I was reminded of the privilege of being a member of our church. We have a thanksgiving weekend planned which I'm looking forward to with friends coming for lunch on Saturday and a family coming for Sunday lunch. I was thinking on the way home from MK today about all the things God has placed in my life that I am thankful for. I was listening to a Matt Redman CD when ' Blessed be Your Name ' was played. How apt it was for me. In fact the tune just won't go away. God has poured out so many blessings on my life( and my family's) which need to be turned back to praise for Him!

Still trying to work out how to download the actual video onto here despite being told how to do only this evening! Never mind.

Anyway, I'm off to bed and pray that God will give me clarity of thought for the three hours tomorrow morning before my supervision!

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Sunday 9th November 2008

Very tired today and the awful rainy and cold weather accompanied by the shortening days is not helping!

Had a good time last night although the fireworks were aborted half way through the evening due to the rain. Graham took Charlie and four others to south London for a rugby match very early this morning and didn't return until gone three. We didn't manage to get to church today but had a nice meal together instead. I was supposed to be going out tonight with a friend but she is also too tired so we cancelled it.

Added more books to Shelfari. Hunting and Gathering was excellent. I could not put it down.

I feel like hibernating so reckon I would benefit from an early night.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Fireworks and bonfires

We've had a great week so far. I've thoroughly enjoyed being at the O.U. this week and felt as if I have made a bit of a breakthrough in terms of my project thinking this week as I'm managing to sort out its different components. I enjoyed my supervision this week. It is great to feel challenged every week.

The children are fine and are all engrossed with school, friends and sport. We went to a brilliant firework display at the golf club on Thursday. Thankfully it didn't rain. Tonight we're going to a bonfire and fireworks party at a friend's house in the village which should be good fun.

Today's growth group went well despite there being only two of us! We had a good discussion and prayer time. Next week the couple who have been away will be back to join us and a new lady wants to join.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Trip to Turville

We've just returned from a trip to Turville, the hamlet where The Vicar of Dibley, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Goodnight Mr Tom, Miss Marple, Midsomer Murders and other films have been set. It took us about one hour to get there and we drove through some beautiful countryside including The Chilterns.

We visited the 13th Century church and then walked up the hill to the windmill before having a late lunch in the pub. It took us a long time to get home as we came back on the motorway and there was so much traffic.

Our home group went well this morning and we had some interesting discussions leading on from the last two sermons at church.

Looking forward to a night in tonight. I'm going to chill with my knitting and hope there is something good on the television.