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Saturday, 6 September 2008

Graham's birthday- Box End and Cambridge

We've had a very busy but good few days with the boys starting back at school on Wednesday.

Cornerstone started back on Thursday. It was great to see the clients after the summer break. However the harsh reality of how these women and families had struggled during the long summer were apparent. Hardly any of them had managed any kind of a holiday or break with their children. One family had been to Brighton for the day. One lady arrived with a bruised face and had been subjected to domestic violence only that morning.

It was Graham's birthday on Thursday and after he came home from work we went to Corner5 the new restaurant at the wake boarding lake at Box End. I had organised a surprise night away in Cambridge for Graham and had arranged for the children to go to various friend's for the night. The surprise element backfired slightly though as he read an email I had sent to a friend outlining the idea. I then accidentally let it slip where we were going on the way to the restaurant. I was so cross with myself!

Anyway, we had a lovely day yesterday. We drove to the Garden House Hotel at lunchtime and after checking in we had a long walk around Cambridge City centre. The weather wasn't very good though so we didn't visit any colleges. We did go to the new Grand Arcade shopping centre which has a variety of designer shops but wondered how students would be able to afford to buy anything from them. We had a coffee in Starbucks and then went back to the hotel. Graham went to the gym and I swam for forty minutes in the small pool.

We quickly got ready and then set off to meet old friends of ours at an Indian buffet restaurant. This was a surprise for Graham that more or less worked. He was suspicious as the restaurant was a twenty minute walk away and kept asking why I had booked a table and why we had to be there so early. The food was amazing and it was good to catch up with our friends who we have known for over twenty years.

We drove back home this morning and one by one collected the children. I'm not very good at being away from them. I know I will be terrible when Charlie leaves home.

We stopped off at home briefly to see Lulu who had been looked after by our next door neighbour and then drove to MK to see Graham's parents. We stayed just over an hour and then came home so Graham could play golf.

I am feeling extremely tired and am glad we have an evening in at home. I plan to watch the X Factor and have an early night. Tomorrow will be a busy day as we have the village show in the afternoon. We are manning the Hook a Duck stall. Church starts back in the afternoon and it is also the start of the rugby season for Charlie.

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