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Thursday, 25 September 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful to God for protection on the roads today for all my family. I have been particularly disturbed this week as I have seen three accidents ( with ambulances, police cars and blocked roads) all within a 24 hour period, two on the same road and all three within a mile of each other. Charlie and his friends witnessed one walking home from school. The cyclist involved is in a coma with severe injuries. There is more traffic than ever on the roads and I pray that God will keep us all safe, whether we are driving, cycling or walking through the busy town centre.

I am thankful for the good final few days I have had at work. It was emotional saying good bye to everybody yesterday. I had coffee with a colleague who is also a friend first thing which was nice. At least I know I will still keep in touch with her. Another colleague who was on her day off came in especially with a card and present for me ( new John Eldridge book ) and a plate of mars bar chocolate rice krispie cakes for the children. I will dearly miss this lady who is such an ambassador for Christ. We started praying together first thing in the morning and have decided we will meet up every fortnight to enable this to continue.

I am thankful for the opportunity to take a friend to Church on Tuesday evening to a dinner with live music and after dinner speaker. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

I am thankful for the conversation I had today with a lady at Cornerstone. As a result a friend and I will be able to help her clear her house which will please social services by demonstrating that she is being proactive.

I am thankful for new opportunities in my life IE cell group and PhD

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