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Friday, 18 April 2008

17th April- back on track

I made Charlie go to school today as I really couldn't decide whether he was faking it or not. I am now feeling bad as he is clearly in a lot of pain and his tongue is swollen and he is hardly eating anything at all. I told him to ring me during the morning break so I could collect him if he felt bad but he didn't. I will see how he is in the morning but if there is no improvement I need to take him to our GP. He has a biology test tomorrow which I know he is trying to get out of and he hasn't done any work for it as he is in pain. His tongue does appear very swollen. He got picked to play rugby on Sunday but Graham has emailed the coach to say he can't play. He has about 20 stitches underneath his tongue and it would be detrimental to the healing process if he got hit or kicked on the mouth.

Anyway, I went to the drop in centre this morning which I thoroughly enjoyed. I was in the kitchen which was great as I could chat to everybody. I haven't seen anybody seen before Easter so it was good to catch up with people, although I was distressed to see and hear that one mum had been subjected to domestic violence and her partner had been arrested and was in prison. My friend and fellow volunteer had taken her under her wing and had welcomed her into her home for a few days. This person is such an inspiration and is clearly making a difference in her life. She is now going to church with her children every week and despite falling asleep during the sermons she enjoys going as she 'feels safe'. My heart cries out to these women as they really suffer and endure unimaginable hardships.

I spent the afternoon ironing and hoovering in places where the cleaners hadn't quite managed to get to yesterday! Still it does give me more free time to maintain the home.

I went to fat club tonight. I lost 1.5 lb and was slightly disappointed as I thought I may have lost more as I have felt sooooo hungry over the last couple of days, and I have also been to the gym twice this week. Never mind, at least I'm losing weight. I have probably now lost the weight I put on over Christmas! Why is it so easy to gain weight and so hard to lose, particularly when over the age of 40?

I was able to get back into my bible study this afternoon and read from Daniel. I did think how the way that God revealed Himself to people during Old Testament times was just as awesome as in New Testament times and NOW! He doesn't change throughout time. God is still the same awesome God now as He was then.

I managed to communicate with my brother via text messages this afternoon and told him I was praying for him. He is a solicitor but is currently unemployed. I do pray that God will reveal Himself to him and help him to make the right decisions!

Looking forward to the weekend as we have a special weekend at church planned with events on Sat am, afternoon and pm and a lunch on Sunday after the service.

Did some more knitting. Now on first sleeve. Can't wait to wear the cardigan.

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