Despite both Charlie and Graham being out of sorts due to recovering from wisdom tooth extraction and other dental work and a tongue op it has been a great couple of days, most of it spent at church.
I went to the service yesterday am whilst Graham stayed at home. It was brilliant. The presence of God was tangible throughout the morning with some amazing signs and wonders taking place. Paul had a word of knowledge about women being suppressed throughout church history and then he prayed for all the women to know 'no limits' to God's work in them. We all lined up and then he prayed for all of us individually.
In the afternoon we all went back for the family quiz which was good fun. We didn't go to the evening event due to Graham being shattered and unable to eat properly. Charlie's friend from school came round after the quiz so after I dropped him off at his Grandparents' house I called in to see a friend who is a neighbour of theirs. She had had a little trip to A and E in the afternoon with a swollen eye after inserting some eye drops. Anyway she is the only friend I have given the link to this blog, so she told me her thoughts! She particularly likes all the food references!
I took Rosie to netball first thing this morning before church. The service was a great end to an amazing weekend. Three people stood up and testified to God's goodness in their lives. One lady's testimony was incredibly moving as she has cancer and is undergoing chemo at the moment. Both Graham and I were finding it difficult not to cry. What impacted me about her talk was that people had told her that she was a positive person and that is why she was coping with everything. She said that that was a load of rubbish and that it is God who sustains her through her treatment. Even in her illness she is an incredible witness.
We stayed at church for lunch. The food was nice considering the number of people that were catered for. Unfortunately I came off my diet for the rest of the day. Never mind I will get back on track again tomorrow.
Graham played golf this afternoon whilst I attempted a research proposal. I have decided to submit something after the conversation I had with one of the researchers at the OU. I have decided I have nothing to lose just a bit of hard work tomorrow as the deadline is Tuesday lunch! Graham will have to drop it off on Tues am on his way to work. I have written the introduction and research question, so have the literature review to do tomorrow. I will use the same methodology as my last project and will just adapt that one. This thing won't go away! However it most definitely is my last ( and only ) attempt and if nothing comes of it I know it is not meant to be.
A friend is coming round for lunch and to pray tomorrow but it won't impinge on my time too much as she is mega organised with her time and won't stay too long! I do plan on going to the gym though first thing, and think I have arranged to have a coffee with someone afterwards.
Anyway off to read the papers.
Just remembered I wanted to post this brill song by Matt Redman which I can't get out of my head. It was being played yesterday in the background whilst we were being ministered to.
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