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Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Tuesday 11th March 2008

I woke up after a great night's sleep and felt I could breathe a little easier. I dropped the children off at school and then drove to work. I spent the morning making calls and I had two visits, both difficult ones. I left my first client feeling very despondent and disappointed that the family are clearly not making any attempts to change. I now seriously doubt whether their parenting skills are adequate. I relayed this information to the social worker who informed me there is another meeting next week where I will be able to air my views.

For lunch we went to Harpur's which is a recently refurbished new restaurant, for a colleague's retirement party. The colleague who is retiring hopes to come back to work on a two day a week contract. The food was delicious. I had a smoked salmon, prawn and smoked halibut salad on ciabatta.

I then returned to the office and tried to do some paperwork but was easily distracted by my colleagues so didn't do as much as I should have.

I collected the children from school and when we got home Graham was already home. Harry asked whether he had been fired!

Graham took Rosie swimming which enabled me time to tackle the ironing pile .

I'm reading a brilliant book at the moment called 'The Shack' by William P Young. I cannot put it down and need to go to bed so I can read. The book addresses the weighty issues of child abduction, forgiveness and God's involvement . I do hope that Madeleine McCann's parents have read it.

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