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Friday, 30 January 2009

Friday 30th January 2009

Went to the gym today. I feel great after a 50 minute workout. I've zapped around all day with bags of energy. I have only two weeks to prepare myself for skiing and sledging.

I've also managed to do some work- wading through the PhD skills audit and had a conversation with my third party supervisor.

At lunchtime I met up with the friend who we are hosting a party for tomorrow night. We have bought all the food and drink and I feel prepared. We decided to buy things that are easy to prepare, so no cooking basically!

Lulu went out all morning and for the first time she came back inside on her own accord! Progress.

The cold weather is set to return this weekend. Oh no. Apparently it's the coldest winter in 13 years. I can believe it. We are expecting snow and -3degree temps. I know it will be cold in Switzerland, but it is different as it is usually so sunny and when we've been in the winter before we've come back with suntanned faces.

Anyway, musn't grumble and must return to my work.

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