My Blog List

Monday, 30 June 2008

Monday 30th June 2008

The winner of my book is gretchen. Just got to work out how to send it to her!

Had a good day. Went to the gym then came home and did a spot of housework. I then went to the kitchen showroom and picked up a brochure before meeting a friend for lunch at La Dolce Vita. She bought me a beautiful silver bookmark for my birthday. I then went home and another friend popped round for a drink.

After collecting Harry from school we went to Tesco and then went to collect Rosie from her rounders match. They won which was great. We then went to the Athletic Stadium to collect Charlie from sports day. He won his 60m race which he was pleased about and received a medal from the headmaster and had to stand on a podium which he was more impressed about.

Graham came home after I took Charlie and his friend to cell group and then he took Harry to band practice which wasn't on!

We have just watched Andy Murray win his match against Gasquet. What a match! He is up against tough opposition in the next round though.

Work tomorrow and I will let people know my intention to leave in September. I'm hoping by doing so that my colleague's three month contract which is due to end in August will be extended.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

Sunday 29th June

Think the above is a great idea and I am posting the following book if anyone is interested. I'm willing to post to USA or Canada.

This is the true story of Johanna-Ruth Dobschiner, a young Jewish girl who lived in Holland during the brutal persecution of the Jews during the Second World War. When the Nazis came to her home, they took away her family but miraculously she was left behind. All of her family members were cruelly murdered. Confused, devastated and frightened she went underground, moving secretly from one sympathetic home to another until the end of the war. It was during this lonely and difficult time that she found a Bible. Reading it, she discovered that not only had she been selected to live physically but also spiritually. Just as God had saved her from among the thousands of condemned Jews, so he could save her from among the millions of condemned sinners on the road to hell.
I thought this book was wonderful. It is gripping, moving and I would recommend it to anyone.

Not really sure how the above comp works but hey ho I'll give it a go.

We've had a couple of great sunny summer days and attended a friend's party yesterday afternoon. She used to be a neighbour but moved with her daughter several years ago into town. We then went to a barbeque at a friend of Harry's from school who lives in the middle of nowhere. There were three other families there including one from our village. We had a great time. We played rounders and pictionary until very late. We arrived home at 11pm and Harry still wanted to sleep outside in the tent we had erected during the day. So muggins here agreed to sleep outside with him as Charlie wanted to sleep in his own bed and he wanted me with him instead of Graham! I read for awhile and actually quite enjoyed lying there in the stillness of the night listening to the sounds of birds and other night time sounds. However I didn't sleep very well as I was just lying on a camping mat and not an inflatable mattress. I woke up very early and came in doors and managed to do some ironing and bible reading before the others got up. I took Harry early to church as he was in the band and I was welcoming. The service was brilliant with two baptisms and one dedication. Luke preached and was amazing as usual. At least two people gave their lives at the end which was fantastic.

After church we went home and had a quick lunch. I sat down for a few minutes which was a mistake as I suddenly became sleepy and before I knew it Graham said he would take everybody to the cafe in the park so I could rest. I must have slept for an hour and then woke up and set off to meet the others. Graham was talking to a friend from the village whose husband was playing in a cricket match and then we walked over to the cafe. I had a pot of earl grey and some ginger cake and then Graham left to play golf. Charlie had met up with a friend from church and then went back to somebody's house for a youth club barbeque. He still isn't back and I guess they are watching football.

The cafe is such a good idea. It is an outreach from church and we make cakes to be sold cheaply during the weekends of July and August and it is manned by volunteers. We spent a lot of last summer there and weather permitting we will do the same again.

We came home and watched Dr. Who which we had recorded last night. What a fantastic episode. I think next week will be the last one of the series.

Ironed and got the school uniform ready for tomorrow. Yesterday we received a letter from Rosie's school to say she has been awarded a cup for being the best achiever in her first year at the school. She will be awarded it at prizegiving this week. We are very proud although Rosie doesn't appear to understand why she has been awarded it!

A friend from the drop in centre phoned me tonight to tell me that one of the clients who came to the discussion group on Thursday came to her church this morning and gave her life to Jesus at the end of the service! Praise God! I pray that God will continue to work in her life and help her with her addictions.

It will be my last week at the gym this coming week until the beginning of September. I will miss it and may be able to fit in a few trips inbetween our trips.

I'm meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow ( a belated birthday get together) which I'm looking forward to.

Friday, 27 June 2008

My birthday

Graham and I outside Paris House, Woburn and photos of the lovely Lavetera bush in our front garden which is fully in bloom now.

I've had a great couple of days. Rosie was singing in a concert at school two evenings this week and had a very small solo part. We all went to watch her much to Charlie's discontent!

Rosie had her sports day on Wednesday and as I took time off work to watch her I had to work yesterday afternoon. Something really strange happened. I had to visit a family who had registered with my surgery and when I arrived at her house it turned out they were asylum seekers from Eritrea. I couldn't believe it. If I had not received the email last week I would not have known about the hardships the country is currently enduring.

Yesterday morning was brilliant at Cornerstone. An ex addict gave his testimony to about 60 people and then we invited people to stay for lunch followed by the start of a 'Lifeshapers' course. We had 7 clients who stayed. God really moved in their lives as people talked about themselves. There were lots of tears but it was so positive as people really do want to change and realise that they can't do it in their own strength. I couldn't stay to the end as I had to go to work but it is so moving to see God working in people's lives.

At about 6pm last night I received a phone call from the Director who was one of my interviewers, to offer me the sponsorship!!! I was totally in shock and am absolutely delighted. God does indeed give us the desires of our hearts and again 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me '( Phil 4:13 )is demonstrated.

The timing is fantastic too as I finish work for the summer in 2 weeks time and go back on the 26th August when I will hand in my month's notice to enable me to start on 30th September.

Anyway, back to today, my birthday. What a good day so far. Graham and the children gave me lots of lovely presents this morning including books and a voucher for more books! Graham's mum bought me a lovely linen top which I plan to wear shortly for lunch.

Graham and I then did the spin class at the gym after dropping the children off at school. Anyway I must go and get ready. I plan to get someone to take a photo of us which I will add to this later.

Monday, 23 June 2008

Monday 23rd June 2008

We've had such a busy but fantastic weekend. I just felt I was going from one event to the next without taking a breath.

On Friday night we went to see Harry in his school concert. He played the snare drum in the marching band and then the clarinet in the orchestra. I then went to a Body Shop party at a friend's before collecting Charlie from church.

Saturday was a whirlwind of a day with preparing the food for the party of the century. A friend popped round so I could help her with her knitting. She has knitted a beautiful little hat and cardigan for her niece who is pregnant. Some of Rosie's friends arrived early and then we went to the Village Hall to set up. I had enlisted lots of hands on support including the daughters of two friends. Charlie helped Graham with the lights and music whilst Harry manned the bar. Twenty 10 year old girls had a great time and it went so quickly. After the party we went to the pub with the three girls who were coming back for a sleepover and met up with some other friends.

The girls slept outside in a tent( well almost ). I was woken up at 1.30am by Rosie saying they were coming inside as they couldn't sleep because of the thunder storm. We didn't even hear the storm.

After not very much sleep we got up early and left for a service at Christ Church in town. Harry's friend was getting baptised. It was such a lovely service. The worship was great and the communion very moving. I had forgotten how formal C of E churches can be but the communion was extremely reverent The minister preached from Isiah 40 and Mark 1 about John the Baptist. Harry's friend did so well and was very brave. All the candidates were baptised outside in a children's paddling pool. Later last night when Harry and I were praying he said he wanted to get baptised, so I told him to speak to his cell group leader on Wednesday as I really don't want it to come from us. It was our wedding anniversary yesterday which we didn't really celebrate as we were too busy celebrating other things. One of the hymns yesterday was Love Divine which we sung at our wedding. We haven't sung that for ages so it was quite meaningful to sing it on our anniversary.

We were invited to go back to our friends' for lunch but we had another commitment which I was secretly hoping had been cancelled due to the storm during the night. However the weather brightened up and we went to Rosie's school fete where we spent three hours sat in our chairs eating cream teas. Charlie went home as he was bored. Graham then went to play golf and I suddenly became energy depleted and chilled out on the sofa for awhile. I still hadn't finished my presentation for today but there was no way I could think so we all had an early night and I finished my book- Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. I never thought I would enjoy books like the ones Francine Rivers writes but I do and have got another two of hers by my bed to read.

I woke up several times in the night and tried hard not to think about my interview.
I eventually got up at 6.45am and decided I felt awful. My glands in my neck felt swollen and I had a sore throat and what I thought was the beginning of a cold. After dropping the children off at school I made myself go to the gym but felt too run down to do a workout so I swam 80 lengths instead. I then rushed home and did an intense bit of work for two hours on my presentation and printed off a couple of things to take with me. Amazingly I started to feel better and think I may have had a touch of hay fever. The pollen count was very high yesterday and it was extremely windy. We were sat in a field for three hours so I'm sure that was the cause.

I went for my interview at the OU in MK. I would like to write that it went very well, but it didn't. I felt nervous and felt I didn't sell myself enough. There were several others being interviewed today but despite not feeling positive about the outcome I am just so relieved it is over with. The four interviewers were really nice and non threatening but I felt unable to express myself, partly due to the questions that were posed. Never mind. They will let me know the outcome on Friday ( my birthday ).

I had some words of encouragement sent to me today from a couple of friends. One was Psalm 90:17:

'May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us- yes, establish the work of our hands.'

The other was 'Remember that all things work for good for those who love the Lord'

Graham was back early tonight and collected Rosie from rounders practice. Our builder came round later to measure up for the new doors we are having from the lounge to the conservatory and a new back door and he is taking the kitchen door frame out. He then took Harry to band practice for me which was a real help. Charlie went to cell group and then I collected Harry from church.

Off to bed now.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Thankful Thursday 19th June 2008

I have felt really challenged today. I am so thankful for my privileged life. I had an email from Christian Solidarity Worldwide asking me to pray for imprisoned Eritreans. As I was reading about the atrocities they endure for the sake of Jesus Christ I was immediately humbled. I can't change the world but God can and He answers prayer so the least I can do is pray for those people who suffer for the faith.

My privileged life and my silly worries like what should I wear for my interview on Monday fade into insignificance. I have never known real suffering and whilst the last few weeks have been very unsettled due to Graham's unstable job situation particularly as we have school fees to pay( yet another outward sign of my privileged life)it is nothing.

Before I had read the email and felt challenged I had been into town and shifted some cash by buying three pairs of trousers and a pair of shoes. It is my birthday next week and I was spending my birthday money in anticipation from Mum and Graham's Mum and Dad. We are so rich and yet people have nothing in the third world. We sponsor a little boy through World Vision and we recently received an update from him. There was a picture of him stood outside the small breeze blocked house we had enabled to be built through our sponsorship for his family. I felt such joy when I saw the photograph but also the stark realisation of how much we have materialistically hit me.

I am thankful for my health. I am feeling so fit at the moment and enjoyed a great workout this morning at the gym. I have also lost 2lb this week. I went to fat club tonight and was mildly surprised as I didn't expect it.

I am thankful for my wonderful family and in particular that Graham's new job will benefit the family as he won't have to travel abroad at all. Yippeee! He is also looking forward to the challenge of a role within the UK to consolidate his experience. God really has answered our prayers. Yet it causes me to question why Christians in the world are persecuted and I lead this life full of joy and abundance. Perhaps God is reminding me that I am in a paramount position to help others not so fortunate. When I accessed this blog this evening the daily verse was so apt and reminded me how God has not forgotten His suffering people and in particular those who give their lives for Him.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
(Luke 9:24)

I spent just over one hour on a power point presentation for one of the articles I need to present on Monday this afternoon before putting together Harry's paper round. I will work on the other one tomorrow.

I missed the drop in centre today and am thankful that following last week's testimony presentation 5 of the clients want help with their addictions! It is amazing really witnessing how God is at work with these families.

Looking forward to watching Harry tomorrow in his concert. Charlie has done really well in his exams. He is way above average in all subjects except French which he is dropping this year. It just goes to show what a bit of work does. The best thing is that he is really proud of his achievements.

Happy birthday for tomorrow A in Canada! I can see you are still reading this every day so know you will get the message. Hope you received your card. Hope you have a great day ( now the same age as me!)

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Wednesday 18th June 2008

My work for the week is over and I'm beginning to panic about my interview. I still haven't prepared anything so will have to spend tomorrow working on my presentation which means I can't go to the drop in centre as planned. I have also got a party for 20 10 year old girls to prepare for on Saturday and a sleepover for four in a tent in the garden. Sunday we're off to a baptism at Christ Church so will have the evening and Monday morning to prepare.

Work has been ok this week but only because of my supportive colleagues.

The children are all ok. Charlie has been doing athletics all day, Harry went to his cell group at church after school and Rosie has also done athletics after school today. Graham's new role was announced today which is great. He still hasn't got a date to start but is hoping it will be next month after we return from our holiday.

Gotta dash as Charlie has just phoned to say he needs picking up.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Monday 16th June 2008

I thank God that he knows exactly who I am and what my motives are. The following psalm which I love resonates with me today:

Psalm 139
For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.
1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.

3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.

4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.

5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.

6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.

7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?

8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, [a] you are there.

9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,

10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"

12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

17 How precious to [b] me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!

18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake,
I am still with you.

19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God!
Away from me, you bloodthirsty men!

20 They speak of you with evil intent;
your adversaries misuse your name.

21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD,
and abhor those who rise up against you?

22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
I count them my enemies.

23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.

24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

We've had a good week end although it was so strange without Rosie on her birthday on Saturday. I went to Ikea on Saturday and bought Rosie a new bed and bedding. When I got back my friend's son was washing Graham's car. He is home from university and trying to raise some cash to travel around Europe next month so he is washing cars. We got him to assemble the bed whilst Graham took the old beds down to the tip which was great. We enjoyed a quiet night in and watched Dr Who which wasn't as good as some of the others- think they must have run out of money during the series! However, next week looks promising with the return of Rose.

Yesterday we went to church in the morning. As usual the service was inspiring and challenging and the worship amazing. Graham was given a photo of himself and the others who played golf the day previously. It was Father's Day so he played golf again in the afternoon after we had lunch in The Tuns. It was warm enough to sit outside which was nice. I prepared Rosie's room for her return in the afternoon and read the newspapers. The boys lounged around at home.

We all collected Rosie in the evening. She had had a fantastic time and was made a fuss of on her birthday. The teachers and girls in her class had sent her cards and they had the cakes I provided during the disco in the evening. Once home she went upstairs and could not believe her eyes when she saw her new bed! She opened her presents and then had a quick shower then went to bed. We all went to bed early and I read for a while. I finished reading Anona Coates's biography on Saturday and have started another Francine Rivers. My next book group book is 'On Chesil Beach' which I read earlier on in the year so am reading lots of Christian stuff at the moment which I'm really enjoying.

Graham was up at 4am to catch a flight to Paris. He is back later this evening. After dropping the children off at school I went to the gym and did a 50 min work out including a 20 min jog on machine. I'm feeling relatively fit at the moment which I'm thankful for as it does help my energy levels. After the gym I dashed home to meet my friend who had driven over from Cambridge. Her son is playing county cricket today in Bedford. She stayed until 12pm and we sat outside drinking coffee.

I have now got a free afternoon to prepare for my interview although I'm finding lots of other things to do instead including writing this, washing, ironing and tidying up. I must try and get focused.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Friday 13th June 2008

Packed both Rosie and Harry off on their trips today. I then did the spin class at the gym which was great and set me up for the day.

I came home and after catching up with my bible readings ( 4 days worth!) I started to look through some papers in preparation for my interview. I couldn't even remember what my proposal was about, let alone anything else! I still can't locate it on my computer and will have to wait until I can access it on my work computer next week. I have found a couple of papers though which I will attempt to study over the next few days. Things don't look good and I am not feeling confident at all.

I then went to Harpurs for lunch with three friends. Lunch was nice and I had the smoked salmon and halibut on ciabatta which was very tasty. I then nipped to Sainsbury's before coming home. Harry was dropped off after a day of kayaking and adventure golf at Willen Lake. He has had a great Outward Bound week and he said it was the best week of the year. I made him some tea and then took him to church. I have just been trying to do some more reading before I go and pick him up. Graham will be back to collect Charlie at 10pm. It seems really strange without Rosie.

My friend sent me the 'Breathe' conference booking form and it looks like the theme is 'Oaks of righteousness' which made me think of other references to oak trees and producing fruit. I didn't know that an oak tree is fifty years old before it produces acorns!

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Thankful Thursday 12th June 2008

I've had a good few days and I'm thankful to God for the usual things today including Graham, children, health, friends. I'm particularly thankful for humour and laughter this week. We had such a laugh at work yesterday which took the edge off a stressful child in need meeting which ended up with the case going to child protection (yet another one.)

Graham's parents came over on Tuesday as it was Beryl's birthday. It was a beautiful day so we had cake and tea outside. Rosie's swimming lesson had been cancelled which was good timing.

We started with the testimony mornings today at the drop in centre with an amazing lady who came to talk about her previous drink and drug addicted lifestyle and how God impacted her. She could only say that a miracle had taken place in her life when she was at rock bottom and called out to God to help ( she had been doing the 12steps programme with the AA)and God took her desire to drink away. She has not had a drink for 9 years. The clients were mesmerised by her story. We were expecting interruptions but one could have heard a pin drop as it was so quiet. One lady was in tears as she said it was so true to her life. Despite the backgrounds of the clients and this lady being very different ( she used to be a designer for Cosmopolitan magazine ) their addictions are the same and therefore the clients related with what she was trying to say.

I am thankful for these opportunities for our clients to hear the gospel.

I have so much to do today including half a paper round ( Harry is on outward bound today and won't get back until late), buy a cake for Rosie to take with her tomorrow to share with her friends on Saturday when it is her birthday, sort out Rosie's clothes and help her to pack, wash Harry's clothes when he returns as he will need them tomorrow for some of the activities. Graham is away in Germany and returns tomorrow. Charlie's last day of exams tomorrow and he is off to town with his friends before church.

I am off to fat club tonight. I'm hoping to have lost 1lb this week. I have been to the gym twice this week so far and have got my early morning spin class to look forward to tomorrow.

Later on..... Back from fat club. I have put on 1lb! The poor leader was so intense about it. I must get back on track.

Monday, 9 June 2008

Monday 9th June 2008

We've had such a good weekend. Whilst we were childless on Saturday we went shopping in MK. Graham bought some work clothes and I bought some cotton to knit into a short sleeved raglan jumper. We didn't get back until 7.50pm after collecting Harry so it was a bit of a rush to get out. We had a lovely evening with our neighbours and enjoyed a fantastic meal. Another couple who we hadn't met before had also been invited. They too live in the village with two boys one of which is in the same year as our friends' son.

Yesterday went so quickly. We all went to church in the morning. Harry wasn't playing in the band so he had a break. The service was excellent. Paul preached about healing and gave an opportunity for people to be prayed for. Loads of people who had hearing problems went up to the front. I don't know the outcome yet.

Back home our friends came for lunch. We ate our lunch of roast chicken and summer fruit pavlova sat outside as it was so hot. After lunch we sunbathed for a short while before leaving for church again. Graham played a few holes of golf whilst I collected Rosie. She had a fantastic time and was absolutely filthy! All her clothes were muddy and her trainers will have to be thrown away if they can't be rescued in the washing machine. It's a good job she didn't take any decent clothes with her. She did high ropes and raft building for her activities which she loved. She has PGL (parents get lost) next week so will be doing similar things.

Tried to get everybody to bed early last night but nobody could sleep as it was so hot. Today Charlie felt confident about his exams as he reckons he has done a lot of revision! He has done more than he usually does so we will have to wait and see.

Harry has his outward bound course at school this week and I haven't even looked at the list of things he needs yet. He goes away tomorrow so I have this afternoon to sort things out along with my usual chores then have to be at Rosie's school for Open House.

Went to the gym this morning and ran for 15 mins, went on cross trainer for 15 mins, rowed for 10 mins and finished off with 10 mins on the stepper. Feel good for doing so and am hoping it will give me the energy to cope with all the jobs I have to do today. I haven't even started to think about my interview which is two weeks today as I have to give a presentation. Oh well. I suppose if I got off the computer I would have more time!

Friday, 6 June 2008

Friday 6th June 2008

Lunch in St Neots

I've had such a lovely day today. Such joy this morning when I went to the gym as they have started an early morning spin class at 8.45am! Of course I did the class and felt great afterwards. Apparently several people have petitioned for it as like me they drop their children off at school and then go to the gym where up until now there haven't been any classes first thing. I then nipped home and put my washing on the line before going to my friend's. I so enjoy my time with her. We have been praying together for years now and it is a real priviledge. We were discussing today how much of our prayer has been answered over the years.

I then drove to St Neots and met my friend who lives in Ely. We had such a laugh over lunch. Apparently our husbands are going to be away next week together for a finance conference in Germany. I found it difficult not to tell her about Graham's job but hinted that things may change. We said goodbye but will see each other next month at Faith Camp in Peterborough.

I then did a bit of food shopping in Waitrose and bumped into a friend from Cornerstone. I bought a chicken and some veg for Sunday as a friend and her children are coming for lunch as her husband is in China for two weeks.

I then drove back to Bedford and collected Rosie and then Harry and a friend from school. Charlie went to his friend's for tea. We then went home and packed Rosie's bag for her trip to Irthlingborough with church. Graham came home early and then we drove to church and waved Rosie off on the coach. We left Harry there and then drove to the village pub for tea which was nice. Graham has had an awful day today at work but I just respect him even more for the way he is dealing with these issues.

Graham then dropped me off at home and went to collect Harry whilst I opened up our new coffee maker which is fab! It is a krups nespresso and the coffee is so delicious. It is expensive though and works out to be 25p per cup so will have to be used as a treat.

We've got a lovely weekend ahead with dinner at friends ( only live next door but 4 ) tomorrow night and a trip to Milton Keynes tomorrow to take Harry to a party. Graham needs some new clothes so we will go to M & S. Sunday will be great. Charlie wants to go to church in the morning to see his friends and as Harry is not playing in the band we will be able to do that although we have to be back in the afternoon to collect Rosie.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Thankful Thursday

I thank God today for:

The beautiful day. It is a glorious hot and sunny day. I have spent some time this afternoon sunbathing in the garden. It was so nice just to lie there looking up at the blue sky and listening to the noisy birds. I think we have a magpie nest in one of our trees.

The clients at the drop in centre. Their lives are so complicated and it is amazing to see how much they enjoy their time on a Thursday, particularly the friendships they have made with the volunteers and also the time they spend at the craft table making various items such as ceramic mirrors and kitchen utensil holders. We had a meeting with the volunteers at lunch time to discuss the way forward with offering an opportunity for them to come to Christ. We are going to invite people to come and give their testimonies and then have a discussion group with lunch provided. This will take place as from next week with a view to running an Alpha in September. I heard today that one of the men who attends the group is attending the current evening Alpha which is great.

My family.

My health.

My friends and for the fun and laughter we share together. I'm looking forward to meeting a friend tomorrow in St Neots for lunch after going to see another friend in the morning for prayer and coffee.

My forthcoming holiday ( five weeks today, picture above)

Just back from fat club and am pleased that I haven't put on any weight over the past two weeks ( haven't lost any either though!)

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Wednesday 4th June 2008

The weather seems to be improving at last. The grey and dull cold weather was replaced with sun and blue skies this afternoon. However it is still very wet with puddles of water everywhere.

Work today was much better. Three of us prayed first thing which helps I'm sure. We then had a large team meeting at Livingstone School where the new children's centre is. I did a joint visit with a colleague this afternoon to a new client who has moved into the area who has been subjected to domestic violence.

Back at home I spoke to my mum who is a bit better and tried to sort out lifts for three clients tomorrow as the mini bus is being used to take some children on a 'Chicks' holiday.

Charlie is struggling with revision, Harry with his homework and Rosie has gone out for her tea with a friend. Graham has gone to Morocco today and will be back tomorrow. I'm off to home group tonight for one hour or so and then plan to start my new book- another Francine Rivers which arrived today from Amazon.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Tuesday 3rd June 2008

It has rained continuously all day today. Harry went to Warwick Castle with the school today and had a great time despite the wet weather.

I was back at work today and back to even more child protection. If I had wanted to be a social worker I would have trained to be one. I feel completely deskilled, deroled and under valued in my job ( as do my colleagues). We cannot do the job we were trained to do anymore due to NHS cutbacks and larger caseloads which means we have to delegate the routine stuff to our community childhood advisors whilst we concentrate on child protection. As we have larger caseloads ( due to health visitors not being replaced when they leave) there is more child protection. There must be a way out.........

My photos arrived today taken with my new camera. They are good. Here is a photo of all of us taken outside The Imperial War Museum last week (note the rain!)

Monday, 2 June 2008

Monday 2nd June 2008

I'm having to spend the day at home today as I have to wait in for two deliveries ( Sainsbury's and coffee maker) and one collection ( unwanted TV stand from Amazon). I read my bible after I did the school run and have done two loads of washing (both on the line) and have unpacked the Sainsbury's shopping.

I read psalm 121 this morning which resonates strongly with how I am feeling today. God is definitely in control of everything.

Psalm 121
A song of ascents. 1 I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.


The children happily went back to school after their week's holiday. They are looking forward to seeing their friends. Here is a picture of them in Southwold last week.

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Sunday 1st June 2008

Garden flowers

Today has gone so quickly. The weather hasn't been brilliant with rain this morning and it seems to have turned cold again. I spent the day making fish pie for lunch, ironing and tidying up before church this afternoon. Charlie spent some time revising and Rosie had a friend round who she took to church. I thought Harry might be tired today after such a late night but he doesn't appear so. They didn't get back until 12.30am and had a great time at the concert.

My friend and I enjoyed our evening last night. We went to Pizza Express before the cinema. The film was entertaining but extremely raunchy in parts. I was surprised it was only given a 15 rating. The film did make me think that out of the four women the only one who appeared to be fulfilled throughout the whole film was the one who was happily married and expecting her first baby. The others all had relationship problems which were resolved by the end of the film.

Church was brilliant today. Luke continued his series on prayer. He is such an anointed speaker and I pray that both Graham and I will put into practice what we learnt and heard today. The worship was amazing as usual. Luke touched on the Lakeland revival which I was pleased about and encouraged us to read Terry Virgo's blog about it.

Graham is fed up as he is back at work tomorrow after a lovely week's holiday and he has such a stressful time ahead with not knowing how secure his job is. However, we will trust in God whatever the outcome. We know there are changes ahead.