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Thursday, 12 June 2008

Thankful Thursday 12th June 2008

I've had a good few days and I'm thankful to God for the usual things today including Graham, children, health, friends. I'm particularly thankful for humour and laughter this week. We had such a laugh at work yesterday which took the edge off a stressful child in need meeting which ended up with the case going to child protection (yet another one.)

Graham's parents came over on Tuesday as it was Beryl's birthday. It was a beautiful day so we had cake and tea outside. Rosie's swimming lesson had been cancelled which was good timing.

We started with the testimony mornings today at the drop in centre with an amazing lady who came to talk about her previous drink and drug addicted lifestyle and how God impacted her. She could only say that a miracle had taken place in her life when she was at rock bottom and called out to God to help ( she had been doing the 12steps programme with the AA)and God took her desire to drink away. She has not had a drink for 9 years. The clients were mesmerised by her story. We were expecting interruptions but one could have heard a pin drop as it was so quiet. One lady was in tears as she said it was so true to her life. Despite the backgrounds of the clients and this lady being very different ( she used to be a designer for Cosmopolitan magazine ) their addictions are the same and therefore the clients related with what she was trying to say.

I am thankful for these opportunities for our clients to hear the gospel.

I have so much to do today including half a paper round ( Harry is on outward bound today and won't get back until late), buy a cake for Rosie to take with her tomorrow to share with her friends on Saturday when it is her birthday, sort out Rosie's clothes and help her to pack, wash Harry's clothes when he returns as he will need them tomorrow for some of the activities. Graham is away in Germany and returns tomorrow. Charlie's last day of exams tomorrow and he is off to town with his friends before church.

I am off to fat club tonight. I'm hoping to have lost 1lb this week. I have been to the gym twice this week so far and have got my early morning spin class to look forward to tomorrow.

Later on..... Back from fat club. I have put on 1lb! The poor leader was so intense about it. I must get back on track.

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