It has rained continuously all day today. Harry went to Warwick Castle with the school today and had a great time despite the wet weather.
I was back at work today and back to even more child protection. If I had wanted to be a social worker I would have trained to be one. I feel completely deskilled, deroled and under valued in my job ( as do my colleagues). We cannot do the job we were trained to do anymore due to NHS cutbacks and larger caseloads which means we have to delegate the routine stuff to our community childhood advisors whilst we concentrate on child protection. As we have larger caseloads ( due to health visitors not being replaced when they leave) there is more child protection. There must be a way out.........
My photos arrived today taken with my new camera. They are good. Here is a photo of all of us taken outside The Imperial War Museum last week (note the rain!)
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