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Monday, 9 June 2008

Monday 9th June 2008

We've had such a good weekend. Whilst we were childless on Saturday we went shopping in MK. Graham bought some work clothes and I bought some cotton to knit into a short sleeved raglan jumper. We didn't get back until 7.50pm after collecting Harry so it was a bit of a rush to get out. We had a lovely evening with our neighbours and enjoyed a fantastic meal. Another couple who we hadn't met before had also been invited. They too live in the village with two boys one of which is in the same year as our friends' son.

Yesterday went so quickly. We all went to church in the morning. Harry wasn't playing in the band so he had a break. The service was excellent. Paul preached about healing and gave an opportunity for people to be prayed for. Loads of people who had hearing problems went up to the front. I don't know the outcome yet.

Back home our friends came for lunch. We ate our lunch of roast chicken and summer fruit pavlova sat outside as it was so hot. After lunch we sunbathed for a short while before leaving for church again. Graham played a few holes of golf whilst I collected Rosie. She had a fantastic time and was absolutely filthy! All her clothes were muddy and her trainers will have to be thrown away if they can't be rescued in the washing machine. It's a good job she didn't take any decent clothes with her. She did high ropes and raft building for her activities which she loved. She has PGL (parents get lost) next week so will be doing similar things.

Tried to get everybody to bed early last night but nobody could sleep as it was so hot. Today Charlie felt confident about his exams as he reckons he has done a lot of revision! He has done more than he usually does so we will have to wait and see.

Harry has his outward bound course at school this week and I haven't even looked at the list of things he needs yet. He goes away tomorrow so I have this afternoon to sort things out along with my usual chores then have to be at Rosie's school for Open House.

Went to the gym this morning and ran for 15 mins, went on cross trainer for 15 mins, rowed for 10 mins and finished off with 10 mins on the stepper. Feel good for doing so and am hoping it will give me the energy to cope with all the jobs I have to do today. I haven't even started to think about my interview which is two weeks today as I have to give a presentation. Oh well. I suppose if I got off the computer I would have more time!

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