The lovely sunny weather has gone to be replaced with dark, dismal and rainy days. However, this won't deter us from having a good weekend. It is
forecasted to return next week.
My bible notes yesterday were so apt as my friend and prayer partner had been discussing about desiring God's will in our lives in the gym first thing yesterday morning and then I got home and read this:
Knowing God better
The Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. John 16:15
Spiritual activities can never replace spiritual intimacy. A lot of us go to church with the wrong focus; we want to know what the pastor's subject is. What we should be thinking is: 'Lord, whatever the preacher says today, I want You to speak to me personally so I'll know what Your will is for my situation.' When God's Word starts coming alive for you in ways that change you and take you in a direction you would never have discovered for yourself, you're on the same wavelength as the Holy Spirit, whose job is to clarify and reveal God's purpose for your life. Living on this wavelength puts you in a world apart from others, even many professing Christians. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2, verse 14, that the 'natural man' can't grasp anything from God because his spirit is dead. He says the things of God are 'foolishness' to such a person. So a mature believer is worlds removed from the understanding of the spiritually dull or dead person. The truth is that even church-goers don't understand the mature believer. Paul said such a person 'is appraised [properly understood and evaluated] by no one' (1 Corinthians 2:15
NASB). People can't work mature believers out because they have 'the mind of Christ' (1 Corinthians 2:16
NIV). This kind of intimacy with God is rare today, even though the mind of Christ is God's will for, and is available to, each of us. Spiritually mature believers have a passion to pursue and know God, and they aren't satisfied until they are in an intimate relationship with Him. So make your goal knowing God better.
Bible in a year : Jonah 1-4; Mark 12:28-34;
Ps 88:1-9a; Pr 11:24-26
It was great as my friend came round later to pray so we were able to pray about the above for our lives.
I then went to meet a friend for lunch which turned into a very long lunch. We met at 1pm and didn't leave until 4pm! We completely lost track of the time which meant I was late to collect Rosie from school and then she was late to church. I didn't have enough time to drive all the way home and then back again so called in on a friend for a cup of tea. By now Harry and his friend had walked home and were home alone. I
collected Rosie and then drove home and made the boys some tea( well threw a pizza in the oven) and then took Rosie to ballet. Harry's friend's father arrived to take them both to see the school's production of 'Oliver'. I managed to establish contact with Charlie who was on his way to his friend's. He was supposed to ring me today after he had apologised to a teacher. He was in trouble yesterday for producing something offensive on the computer and printing it out and handing it in to the teacher. I was very disappointed with him. Anyway he has an after school detention as a result.
I collected Rosie from ballet and took her to a friend's for a sleepover. I then went to
Sainsbury's to buy the food for tonight. It is our last spot of entertaining for a while. We have invited Graham's golf friends and wives round for a games evening with drinks and canapes. It should be good fun.
I have finally bought a dining table and chairs. I have been looking for the last eighteen months for a
Tapley table to match
our existing furniture which we bought when we got married.
Tapley went out of business for a while but is now up and running again. However a new table and chairs set costs over £3000. I have been looking on
ebay most days and have seen a few in the past, a couple of which I've
bid on and have been unsuccessful. I found one for £500 and emailed the seller. He stopped the sale and accepted my offer. Graham is going to collect it tomorrow. The seller lives near
Peterborough, so not too far away.
Anyway must go and collect the Christian Aid envelopes from our road.