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Monday, 19 May 2008

Monday 19th May 2008

I've had a good weekend, and again another busy one. It will be time to recharge the batteries by the end of this week.

Graham got back late on Friday so I had to do all the taxiing of children to their various activities.

Saturday was spent preparing canapes for the evening. Rosie went off with a friend for the day and the boys went into town with Graham. The evening was such good fun. We played Pictionary, Who's in the bag? and a word game. The men were so competitive and noisy, although I have been told that I also displayed a competitive streak! It was good to see how well Graham and his golf friends get on together as they have very different personalities! One of his friends is an elder at a local church and I had listened to his sermon last week, in which he had to mention golf!

Yesterday was good. I did feel tired though due to going to bed late. I can't do late nights anymore. I had to be at netball with Rosie at 9.15am for a tournament. They played well and won two of their three games. Graham and Charlie went to church in the morning and then we all had lunch together. Graham then played golf (surprise) and later he went to collect the dining table and chairs whilst Harry, Rosie and myself went to church. I was welcoming and Harry was in the band so we went early. The service was totally amazing as usual and Luke who was preaching invited people to the front early on in the service as he felt that God wanted to impart stuff to us. Luke prayed over me and said that God was going to use my home to minister to people. I thought about the night previously and the weekend before and will obviously pray into this. I feel very excited about this and about the whole way that God chooses to speak to us using a variety of means such as His spoken word -the bible and through other people and through dreams, pictures, visions etc. It is hard to imagine that the creator of the universe is interested in me- but He is and I praise Him for that!

Graham arrived back with the furniture which was definitely worth waiting for. It looks brand new and looks great in our dining room as it completely matches the existing furniture in there.

I did a spot of ironing and got the children's clothes ready for today whilst Graham assembled the table, cut the grass and got his work stuff ready. He was up at 5am to catch a flight to Dublin.

I've been to the gym this morning then nipped into town to buy a mascara from Debenhams. I have now got an afternoon of ironing planned as I have two baskets full to get through.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

God bless you!