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Monday, 11 February 2008

Sunny Sunday

Another beautiful day. I looked out for my garden visitors this morning but none arrived. Graham took Harry to church and Charlie to rugby and then I collected Harry later and made a roast chicken lunch. I was just about to serve it up when a friend called to ask me to endorse her passports. She ended up serving Graham's meal whilst I sorted out her paperwork as he had arranged to meet his friends for golf.

Last night was ok. Our friends had made a huge effort to produce a fantastic meal, but I felt uneasy and uncomfortable at times as I didn't know the other couple that well although they seem very nice. Graham told me off when we were cycling home for being judgemental. The sermon this afternoon was very apt about God's grace coming into our lives to help us to do things we cannot do ourselves. I probably could have made more of an effort last night. I have just opened my new Joyce Meyer book that a friend left in my pigeon hole in church for me this afternoon at a random page and started reading it. This is what I read:

If you are struggling with something in your life, ask yourself honestly if you are putting your faith in God, believing that His grace will meet the need, or if you are relying on your own abilities and leaving Him out of the loop? Grace is God's power coming into your situation to do for you what you cannot do for yourself, but you must choose to trust Him and receive His gift of grace. When you keep God in the loop by trusting Him to help you in the difficult areas of your life, you will become a woman of faith who enjoys the abundant grace of God. AMEN to that!

Something really exciting happened today at church. I was on the door welcoming and was chatting to a lady I just know to say hello to when she asked me if I was Harry's mum. I said I was and then she proceeded to give me an envelope. She told me to read the letter in it before I gave it to him. Last week the whole church prayed for the yr 7s to 9s and I saw her praying with Harry although he couldn't remember anything she had said. I took the piece of paper out of the envelope and this is what was typed on it.

3 February 2008 4pm Service

For Harry

The adults in the congregation were invited to pray for the S to Ns. As I stood in front of Harry it was as though the Lord was saying to me, ' Music, his music, My music.' So I prayed with you that music for Jesus would be important for you all your life. As I prayed this I saw a picture of you Harry, somewhat older than you are now, perhaps even as old as I am; you had a head full of white hair and a white beard, but the important thing was that you were leading God's people in worship still with your guitar.

I will exalt You, my God the King;
I will praise Your name for ever and ever.
Every day I will praise You
and extol your name for ever.

Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise.

Psalm 145: 1-3a

How awesome is that!

Half term tomorrow. It will be great not to leave the house at 7.45am. Hope the children lie-in. I know Charlie will!

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