Writing this in shock. My Mum has a small lesion on her lung and has to see the Thoracic Consultant on Wednesday. She had a chest x ray on Friday and was informed today of the result. Her GP said it could be cancer. She is obviously very worried. It is awful that she has to go through this on her own. At least last year when Dad was ill he had her with him. I feel helpless living almost 200 miles away. I think my brother will take her to the hospital on Wednesday.
I pray she will press into God and that He will give her the strength to cope with whatever lies ahead.
Our last day before going back to school and work. Graham has just phoned and he is on his way back to the UK from spending the day in Cologne. He said he felt travel sick this morning on the flight there due to the turbulence.
We spent today in town buying school shirts and things for pencil cases. We went to Pizza Hut for lunch. I had forgotten how awful Pizza Hut is but the children enjoyed it. At least I won't have to cook tonight. We then went to Bedford Hospital to take Charlie for his orthodontic apt. He has to have his tongue tie released which he is pleased about. It has never bothered him until recently when I think someone told him he wouldn't be a good kisser if he couldn't stick his tongue out!
Back to work tomorrow. My colleague phoned me just to check I was coming back as everybody is ill at the moment. There are three health visitors off with a flu virus. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow but am only going to work a half day as I also have to work on Friday due to having to attend a case conference about a family I am working with. I plan to go to the hairdressers and have a radical haircut! My hair is shoulder length but I'm getting fed up with it as I rarely wear it down and tie it up most of the time. So I'm going to have a chin length bob which means it will be curlier.
Still reading Exodus which is so interesting reading about how Moses and Aaron lead the Israelites under God's guidance.
Anyway, I need to encourage the children to get their school clothes and bags ready and then we can relax before having an early night so must go.
Another reason I am feeling flat is because when we were at the hospital today I heard my name called. I turned round to see a homeless couple with blankets and bin liners strolling up the corridor. It was somebody I knew from church who was dramatically healed from alcoholism about ten years ago. She used to be an amazing witness and used to help at the drop in centre with me. I had heard she had relapsed and had left her husband and children and was sleeping rough. I just can't believe it. I didn't recognise her at first but at least she recognised me.
I have so much in my life to be thankful for.
1 comment:
When you think of a blind flea on crutches taking on a herd of a thousand stampeding elephants,keep in mind that the fkea has a better chance of beating the elephants than the enemy of our souls has over the power of God. He is defeated...I am agreeing with you for your mother. Is she a believer in Jesus? My family and I will stand for her and her heart and for you, as I'm sure being far from her puts the pressure on from the enemy. Be encouraged that you're where you need to be...He is who she needs and I am sure you're confident in that!
Isaiah 26:3 is a good Word to stand on in times like these!
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