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Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Tuesday 8th January 2008

Thought I was so organised last night ensuring the children had sorted out their school bags and everything was left by the door ready to go. We left early and just as we joined the huge queue of traffic Charlie said he had forgotten his games bag. Seconds later Harry asked what day it was. He then remembered he had forgotten his PE bag. Now if I had been a better mother I would have supervised them getting in the car but I didn't. It was too late to go back home for them so I went to work and then popped home on the way to visit a young single mother in the mother and baby unit and then dropped the bags off at school.

Work was bearable as I was only working until lunchtime today. However I have so much work outstanding it is completely overwhelming. Due to shortages in the staffing levels and having a huge caseload I need to move offices to be within a bigger team. I have mixed feelings about the move as we're all under so much stress and my colleagues are in the same position as myself. I will probably move next week before my job share colleague returns from leave. I am still praying for a new direction and that if God wants me to stay in this post to let me know somehow! I have been unsettled for a year now and know I am ready for a new challenge but am unsure what to do.

Anyway I had a nice afternoon in the hairdresser's and caught up with all the rubbish mind numbing celebrity news in their magazines whilst having my roots dyed and hair cut. It feels so short as I had about three inches cut off but is still long enough to tie up.

Went to Sainsbury's and then collected the boys from the games field. They'd had a great day. We then collected Rosie from her friend's. She was so excited as she was voted head of form for the term. Unpacked the shopping and then took Rosie for her swimming lesson.

Back at home later, supervised homework and then ate a midweek gourmet special for tea, i.e. pasta carbonara. I must sort out some new meals and plan ahead more.

My friend phoned to arrange to meet up this week which will be nice. I will have lunch with her on Friday after work. I told her about my mum so we prayed together for her.

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