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Thursday, 17 January 2008

Wednesday 16th January 2008

What a beautiful day it has been today. The rain stopped overnight and it has been sunny, bright and not a cloud in the sky today. I have enjoyed driving through town, and by the river today on my way to clients' homes. I had a meeting first thing with my colleague and we were able to pray and commit the day to the Lord.

I felt overwhelmed again today with the sheer volume of work. We have heard though that a FTE health visitor post will be advertised and the person allocated to my caseload which is great news if I can hang on that long before someone is appointed !

After the meeting I went to a Looked After Child review to find it had been cancelled without anyone letting me know! The review should have been at the foster parent's home so at least I managed an update with the client so all was not lost. My next visit was to a very young single mum who is coping very well with her baby.

I managed to make more phone calls and catch up with some paperwork. I only have my continuum ( stats ) left to do and then I'm almost up to date. My job share colleague returns next week so that will lighten my load.

In the afternoon I did two more visits and then collected the boys from school. Rosie had a hockey match after school so I went along to watch her. She scored two of the three goals and they won so she was extremely pleased and I was extremely proud. Her friend came back from tea. Charlie watched less television but didn't like me making him do so. He misses playing outside with the boy across the road during these dark evenings. Harry practised his clarinet and made even more origami cranes. We have now run out of origami paper.

I spoke to a friend today who also blogs on this site. She has recently moved house and told me about the amazing way God revealed to her which house to buy. She felt God say to her she would see a fish in the house she was to buy. She looked at several houses but didn't really think they were for her. She eventually found the house which she felt was right but still hadn't seen any evidence of a fish. As she was in the house and about to leave she asked God again whether this was the right house. She opened her eyes and right in front of her was a child's mobile with a fish on it! Anyway, I told her about my blog! She is the first friend I have told about my blogging attempts. Her blog is :

Graham flew from Milan to Madrid today for the day. He will be so tired. We all really miss him when he is away. I know he is only away for the odd night now but I still don't like it.

I haven't prepared for tomorrow's meeting with Prof Gurg. I hope he doesn't expect me to bring a research proposal. I will be at the drop in centre tomorrow morning so won't have any time to prepare anything. I'm still seeking God on this and pray that He will reveal to me tomorrow one way or the other whether this is what He wants me to do.

Really looking forward to the quiz evening at church on Saturday! I have organised two tables of eight and have decided to have a table each of boys and girls as opposed to two tables of couples as there are a few single people who would probably feel more comfortable with this and one of the women went out with one of Graham's friends who we have invited when she was about 18 which could lead to embarassment on both parts! Small world though!

Not working tomorrow. Hoooorah!

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